703.13 When Expenses Exceed Maximum Allowable Amounts SR 98-09, 02/98 (FAM-A)

If the individuals needs are in excess of the maximum amounts listed in Section 703.07, Emergency Assistance Payments for Permanent Housing—even after applying the individuals resources—authorize additional funds according to the criteria below. Note that mortgage criteria entail elements from three categories listed.

Rental and utility security deposits: Authorize up to the maximum for the security deposit if the applicant can show one of the following:

• the remainder of the deposit can be obtained,

• a payment plan has been arranged for the balance of the deposit, or

• the Emergency Assistance payment alone will secure the housing or utility service.

Rent, utility, or mortgage arrearages: Authorize up to the maximum if an applicant can demonstrate one of the following:

• the arrearage in excess of 2 months can be obtained,

• payment of a two-month portion will prevent eviction, foreclosure, or termination of utilities, or

• a payment plan has been arranged for the remainder of the arrearage.

Monthly rent or mortgage payments: When monthly rent or mortgage payments are greater than the individuals monthly income, authorize up to the maximum if the applicant can provide a signed and dated statement from an outside source who declares an intent to help the applicant meet the monthly payment.