Notification of program information is required:

• at a face-to-face redetermination;

• when an individuals status changes from exempt to mandatory; and

• when a recipient volunteers for the program.

For exempt individuals, all program information items noted in Part 803 , Notifications at Application, are discussed with the individual.

For NHEP participants, the following program information items are discussed with the individual:

• the 60 month lifetime limit for receipt of financial assistance;

• the automatic exemption from the 60 month limit for assistance groups receiving Family Assistance Program (FAP) financial assistance, for as long as the family continues to meet FAP eligibility criteria;

• the time-limited, temporary "extensions" provided to cases receiving NHEP financial assistance and experiencing one of the hardship extension criteria listed in Part 134, HARDSHIP EXTENSIONS TO THE TANF 60 MONTH LIFETIME LIMIT;

• how eligibility for all other assistance programs, including Medicaid and Food Stamps, is not connected to the TANF 60 month lifetime limit;

• the support services that are available when the individual is participating in NHEP; and

• the support services that are available when the individuals financial assistance terminated due to employment.