Notification of program information is required:

• at a face-to-face redetermination;

• when an individuals status changes from exempt to mandatory; and

• when a recipient volunteers for the program.

For exempt individuals, all program information items noted in PART 803, NOTIFICATIONS AT APPLICATION, are discussed with the individual.

For NHEP participants, the following program information items are discussed with the individual:

• the 60-month lifetime limit for receipt of financial assistance;

• the automatic exemption from the 60-month lifetime limit for assistance groups receiving Family Assistance Program (FAP) financial assistance, for as long as the family continues to meet FAP eligibility criteria;

• the time-limited, temporary "extensions" to the FANF lifetime limit that families may request who have received FANF financial assistance for 60 months and are experiencing one of the hardship extension criteria listed in PART 134, HARDSHIP EXTENSIONS TO THE FANF 60-MONTH LIFETIME LIMIT;

• how eligibility for all other assistance programs, including Medicaid and Food Stamps, is not connected to the FANF 60-month lifetime limit;

• the support services that are available when the individual is participating in NHEP and the importance of complying with NHEP work program requirements; that failure to comply with NHEP when in an extension will result in termination of cash assistance for the entire AG, and that when the AG has closed 2 times for this reason, the AG will not be eligible for another FANF hardship extension for any reason; and

• the support services that are potentially available when the individuals financial assistance is terminated due to employment.