808.03 NHEP Participation SR 04-26, 10/04 (FAM-A)

All able bodied individuals between the ages of 18 and 60 and children aged 16 and 17 who are not full time students, are required to:

• attend an NHEP orientation (see Section 808.15, Orientation);

• participate in an assessment with their Employment Counselor Specialist (ECS) (see Section 808.17, Assessment);

• complete an Employment Plan (see Section 808.21, Employment Plan); and

• actively work with their ECS to meet participation requirements in approved NHEP activities (see Section 808.27, Hourly Participation Requirements, and Section 808.37, Participation Requirements for 2 Parent Families).

Certain individuals will have their participation in the NHEP temporarily postponed, but may have to participate when their circumstances change. See Sections 203.03 , FAP (Family Assistance Program), and 808.05 , Temporary Exemptions from Participation in NHEP. These individuals must have their exemption status reviewed at each redetermination of eligibility or whenever a change affecting exemption status is reported or discovered.