808.05 Exemptions from Participation in NHEP SR 19-28 Dated 06/19

Certain individuals may be temporarily or permanently exempt from New Hampshire Employment Program (NHEP) work requirements if they meet any of the conditions below.


Temporary Exemptions

An individual age 16 to 60 who has been receiving cash assistance for less than 39 months is considered temporarily exempt from NHEP work requirements if the individual:

Temporary exemptions remain in effect until:

Exception: Temporary exemptions are not available to individuals who have received Financial Assistance to Needy Families (FANF) financial assistance for 39 or more months unless the individual who has received 39 or more months is unable to participate in NHEP work program activities due to:

Permanent Exemptions

The following individuals are considered permanently exempt from NHEP work requirements:

Permanent exemptions are not re-evaluated:

References: He-W 602.08; He-W 606.30; He-W 637.01(e); He-W 637.04; RSA 167:78, I; RSA 167:82, II; RSA 167:88, I