808.07 Verification of Exemptions SR 04-26, 10/04 (FAM-A)

District Offices are responsible for determining exemption status based on acceptable documentation and verification of the exemption claim.

Exception: Individuals claiming a medical exemption are referred to a Division of Adult Learning and Rehabilitation (DALR) Work Capacity Specialist (WCS). The WCS reviews the medical information provided and, if needed, works with the client and/or medical community to make a determination regarding the individuals ability to participate in NHEP activities.

Acceptable documentation must contain specific detail and address each item listed under the appropriate heading. General or incomplete statements that do not thoroughly address each specific item are considered unacceptable.

Do not grant an exemption if the individual fails to provide acceptable verification within 10 days of the request or fails to notify the District Office of difficulty in obtaining 3rd party documentation. Proceed with referral to the NHEP team after the verification time frame has elapsed.

Exception: Allow more than 10 days if notified by the individual of difficulty in obtaining 3rd party documentation. Assist the individual, upon request, in identifying sources of alternate documentation when documentation from the original source cannot be obtained.

Medical Exemption

*Individuals claiming an exemption from NHEP work requirements due to their own or a family members medical issue must:

• provide a completed Form 752a, Authorization For Release of Protected Health Information; and

• have a licensed physician or board certified psychologist complete Form 752, Physician/Psychologist Statement for Exemption/ Limitation From the NHEP Work Requirement, indicating that the individual is fully able, partially able, or totally unable to participate in NHEP.


Exemption Due to an Individual Rebutting the Presumption that Their Child Was Conceived While on Assistance

The actual date of conception is problematic to determine and is, therefore, a rebuttable presumption. The biological parent(s) must be allowed the opportunity to claim and document that the child was not conceived while receiving TANF financial assistance. Acceptable documents to verify the rebuttal include medical records or a physicians written statement indicating the childs date of conception does not fall within the time-period of receipt of financial assistance. If the documentation supports the claim, the individual remains exempt until the child in their care turns age 1*, unless:

• another child is conceived while the individual is receiving assistance; or

• the individual has received 39 or more months of NHEP financial assistance and their youngest child is 12 weeks of age. See FAM 808.05 Exemptions from Participation in NHEP, and FAM 808.27, Hourly Participation Requirements.

Exemption Due to Child Conceived as a Result of Incest or Rape

Acceptable documents to verify that the child was conceived as a result of incest or rape include court records, police logs, social service agency or Division of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) records, or hospital, physician or psychological records attesting to the circumstances of the childs conception.

Exemption Due to Pregnancy

Acceptable documents to verify that the woman is or will be in her fourth month of pregnancy when the NHEP activity will begin include a signed statement from a licensed physician, advanced registered nurse practitioner, licensed nurse midwife, or other licensed medical practitioner.

All Other Exemptions

Accept any documentation that reasonably establishes the individuals exemption status.