808.09 Referral to NHEP Teams SR 04-26, 10/04 (FAM-A)

* Individuals are referred to the NHEP Team:

• upon being determined eligible for cash assistance if participation status is determined to be voluntary or mandatory; and

• when participation status has changed (from exempt to mandatory or from exempt to voluntary).

Exception: Referral Criteria for Individuals Claiming Family/Domestic Violence

Special services and considerations within NHEP are provided for clients who do both of the following:

• disclose that their family includes a member who is or has been victimized by family/domestic violence; and

• request the NHEP family/domestic violence services and special considerations.

To request the NHEP family/domestic violence services and special considerations, clients must

• complete the verification process as specified in FAM 133, LENGTH OF ELIGIBILITY; and

• be referred to the NHEP Team.

An NHEP team member will offer the client the following options:

• 6 months in which the client is excused from all NHEP activity participation requirements;

• a referral to an agency specializing in family/domestic violence services;

• a meeting at the NHEP or alternative site with a person trained in family/domestic violence; or

• full participation in the NHEP and related activities.

The client may choose any combination of the last 3 options. If the client chooses to be excused from NHEP participation or is seeking assistance for their family/domestic violence situation, the client is automatically enrolled in the NHEP Barrier Resolution Activity.

6-Month Option of No NHEP Participation

An individual who has chosen to be excused for 6 months from all NHEP work activity requirements must meet with an NHEP team member at the end of the 6-month period. At this time, the NHEP team member will arrange to have a local family/domestic violence counselor present to provide information concerning family/domestic violence services available in the community. At the conclusion of this meeting, the NHEP team member will offer the client the same four options specified above from which to choose.

• If the client opts to be excused from all NHEP work activity requirements for another 6 month period, at the conclusion of the 12 month period the individual must meet with a person trained in family/domestic violence for an individualized assessment and development of an individualized service plan. This assessment and individualized service plan will recommend the next steps in the NHEP program.

• If the client refuses to participate in this assessment or in the development of the service plan, the NHEP team member must begin the non-compliance process. See FAM 808.33, Conciliation Process, and FAM 808.35, Sanctions for Voluntary Quit or Failure/Refusal to Cooperate with NHEP Work Program Participation Requirements, for details about the non-compliance process.

After consulting with the client and making an assessment, the person trained in family/domestic violence will indicate on the individualized service plan one of the following options that best addresses the familys needs:

• an additional 6 months in which the client is excused from all NHEP work activity requirements, to be reassessed every 6 months;

• required participation in NHEP activities;

• required participation in family/domestic violence services; or

• required pursuit of an alternative or permanent exemption from the NHEP. See FAM 808.05 Exemptions from Participation in NHEP.