808.13 NHEP Job Search Component SR 97-19, 06/97 (FAM-A)

• Job search activity is the primary NHEP activity for applicants and recipients in the Job Search Component. Job search may consist of either group or individual activities, or both.

• Individuals applying for NHEP financial assistance are required to participate in job search and/or job readiness activities when referred as a result of the initial appraisal.

• A maximum of 26 weeks of job search and/or job readiness activities is required which includes an initial 4 week job search period. Applicants and recipients must participate in job search activities including:

- Interviews with NHEP team members;

- Orientation sessions and workshops;

- NHEP counseling sessions;

- Employment counseling, career exploration and career decision making;

- Vocational and long term goal setting;

- Vocational, interest, aptitude and literacy testing;

- Employment preparation advancement and enhancement activities in order move the individual quickly into private sector employment and to increase the responsibility and amount of work the individual is able to handle over time;

- Job readiness training and job search assistance;

- Any other appointments or referrals to other agencies designed to improve a individuals employability, as specified in the employability plan; and

- Contacting employers for employment opportunities.

The job search and/or job readiness activity may be combined with the following NHEP activities and continue to count towards the 26 week requirement:

• Basic educational activities;

• Single training course or courses;

• Vocational skills training;

• Post secondary education;


• OJT; and

• Unsubsidized employment.

The job search activity may be suspended by other approved NHEP activities as specified on Form 228, Employability Plan. The 26 week count is also suspended when an individual is being sanctioned for non-compliance.

The following describes steps in the NHEP Job Search Component.

1.  An individual or group orientation is conducted as part of the initial interview. At orientation, participants are informed of NHEP requirements and are given the opportunity to ask questions about the program.

2.  When an individual is referred to NHEP, the individual has an initial assessment interview and an initial Employability Plan (EP) is developed. As a result of that interview, it is determined if the individual needs basic education or barrier resolution, or if the individual is approvable for participation in a self-initiated activity. Individuals needing basic education or barrier resolution are provided with services to meet these needs so that they can advance to step 3.

Once barriers are resolved, basic education is completed, or a self-initiated activity ends, the individual participates in initial job search activities. Others proceed directly to step 3.

3.  The initial 4 week job search period consists of job readiness and job search activities that are appropriate to the individuals needs.

4.  After the initial 4 weeks of job search, the individual is profiled, using Form 230, Profiling Worksheet. At this time, the individual is assigned to an Employment Program Group (EPG) based on work history and other factors that affect employability. See Section 808.23, Profiling.

5.  Individuals in EPG 1 complete the remaining 22 weeks of job search/job readiness and can concurrently participate in single courses and on the job training activities (OJT). Participation in a full-time OJT suspends the 26 week count. See Section 808.41, Support Services.

6.  Individuals in EPG 2 continue in job search/job readiness provided they are making satisfactory progress towards obtaining employment. If they are not making satisfactory progress (Section 808.17), they are further evaluated to determine if they meet referral conditions for additional activities to enhance employability. This evaluation can happen at any time during the 22 week cycle.

• If no, they continue the remaining weeks of job search/job readiness and may concurrently participate in single courses or OJT.

• If yes, they continue the remaining weeks of job search, which may be suspended by, or combined with, employment, basic education, single course authorizations, vocational skills training, post secondary education, AWEP, or OJT.