808.15 Orientation SR 06-12, 10/06 (FAM-A)

Orientation is a condition of eligibility for all individuals who are applying for NHEP or UP financial assistance, and may be conducted as a group or individual activity. Individual orientation is always provided upon request. At orientation, the NHEP team member informs the individual about the NHEP program, their rights and responsibilities, participation and compliance requirements, and the results of non-compliance, as well as the support services available to them under NHEP. The Orientation staff then distributes Form NHEP225, NHEP Portfolio: Planning for Success, and assigns activities from the Portfolio to be completed by the participant before the next appointment with the NHEP team member.

Core Elements of Orientation

The following information must be provided at the NHEP Orientation:


• the NHEP mission;

• that the primary goal is employment and that the NHEP team will provide assistance to the individual in their pursuit of employment;

• an explanation of the weekly core, secondary, and interim activity requirements of NHEP; and

• that NHEP is a collaboration of 3 agencies: Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), New Hampshire Employment Security (NHES), and Southern New Hampshire Services (SNHS).

NHEP Portfolio

• the Form NHEP225, NHEP Portfolio: Planning for Success, to all NHEP participants who are not employed or self-employed;

• an explanation of the sections of the Portfolio assigned to the participant; and

• a description of how to properly document and verify completed sections of the Portfolio for the Service Determination Appointment (SDA).

Team Responsibilities and Services Provided

• a full explanation of all program activities and support services both while participating in NHEP and after employment is obtained;*

• an explanation of available support services;

• an explanation of NHEP core, secondary, interim activities;

• the role of the Employment Counselor Specialist (ECS) and their involvement in providing services.*;

• the steps the individual will take when participating in NHEP.*;

• a description of case management and extended case management services; and

• the availability of additional job search assistance, including NH Works, Job, and Information Centers.

Individual Rights and Responsibilities

• that voluntarily quitting a job without good cause or failure/refusal to comply with work program requirements without good cause will result in sanctions for mandatory participants;

• that NHEP volunteers who voluntarily quit a job without good cause or fail or refuse to comply with work program requirements will not be allowed to participate in NHEP for 3 months;

• the good cause policy;

• a description of work program exemptions;

• the *administrative appeals process; and

• the name and phone number of the ECS.

Support Services for the Initial Appointment

Transportation and child care reimbursement are not available to individuals for the initial appointment with the team.