808.15 Orientation SR 17-31, 09/17 (FAM-A)

The Orientation to the New Hampshire Employment Program (NHEP) is a condition of eligibility for most individuals applying for FANF financial assistance, and may be conducted as a group or individual appointment. Individual NHEP Orientations are always provided upon request. At the NHEP Orientation, the NHEP Team Member informs the individual about the NHEP program, their rights and responsibilities, participation and compliance requirements, and the results of non-compliance, as well as the support services available to them under NHEP.


Core Elements of Orientation

The following information must be provided at the NHEP Orientation:


the NHEP mission;

that the primary goal is employment and that the NHEP Team will provide assistance to the individual in their pursuit of employment;

an explanation of the weekly core, secondary, and interim activity requirements of NHEP; and

that NHEP is a collaboration of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), and Southern New Hampshire Services (SNHS).


NHEP Communication Method Permission, Portfolio, & Job Search Information

the Form NHEP207, Additional Communications Preferences, to all attendees at the NHEP Orientation;

the Form NHEP225, NHEP Planning for Success: Job Readiness Portfolio, and Form NHEP267, Job Readiness Activity Verification Form, to all attendees at the NHEP Orientation in the Job Readiness activity. Prior to their next NHEP appointment, participants are expected to complete work in the NHEP Portfolio and verify time spent completing Job Readiness activities using the Form NHEP267, so that work efforts count towards federal participation hours;

the Form NHEP223, Job Search Log, to all attendees at the NHEP Orientation along with Participant Instructions Form NHEP223 and Example Form NHEP223. To meet minimum weekly NHEP work participation requirements, NHEP participants are expected to immediately begin seeking or obtaining employment, and verifying this search via Form NHEP223;

an explanation that the intent of the NHEP Portfolio is to help the participant assess interests, skills, and barriers to employment; and

that the needs and goals targeted in the completed Portfolio assignments will be used in the development of the Employability Plan (EP) at the Service Determination Appointment (SDA).


Team Responsibilities and Services Provided

a full explanation of all program activities and support services both while participating in NHEP and after employment is obtained;

the role of the Employment Counselor Specialist (ECS) and their involvement in providing services;

the steps the individual will take when participating in NHEP;

a description of case management and extended case management services; and

the availability of additional job search assistance, including NH Works, Job, and Information Centers.


Individual Rights and Responsibilities

that voluntarily quitting a job without good cause or failure/refusal to comply with work program requirements without good cause will result in sanctions for mandatory participants;

that sanctions are progressive and that those individuals who continue to fail/refuse to comply with work program requirements without good cause risk having their cash benefits terminated;

that sanctions are cured by fully meeting the participation requirements that resulted in the sanction;

that mandatory participants who accrue 3 months of NHEP work program sanctions in a 12-month period will have their cash benefits terminated;

that NHEP volunteers who voluntarily quit a job without good cause or fail or refuse to comply with work program requirements will not be allowed to participate in NHEP for 3 months;

the good cause policy;

a description of work program exemptions;

the administrative appeals process; and

the ECSs name and phone number.


Support Services for the Initial Appointment

Transportation and NH Child Care Scholarship are not available to individuals for the initial appointment with the NHEP Team.


Individuals Excused from Attendance at the NHEP Orientation

Attendance at the NHEP Orientation is not a condition of eligibility for the incapacitated adult in an AG requesting financial assistance due to parental incapacity. No proof of the incapacity is needed to be excused from attendance at the NHEP Orientation. If the other adult in the assistance group is not claiming to be incapacitated, he or she must still attend the NHEP Orientation as a condition of eligibility for financial assistance.

Adults included in the FANF financial assistance AG are not required to attend the NHEP Orientation when they provide third party verification that:

a serious medical condition prevents attendance;

a temporary absence from the licensed medical or mental health treatment facility in which they are living would jeopardize their health or treatment needs;

the individual is living in a domestic violence or homeless shelter; or

attendance at the NHEP Orientation would jeopardize the individuals safety.


If a FANF financial assistance case closed in sanction status and the individual reapplies for financial assistance within 30 days of closure from Work Programs, the NHEP Orientation is not (again) required. 


References: He-W 637.02, He-W 637.05(a)(2)-(3), RSA 167:79, III(a), RSA 167:85