808.17 Assessment SR 04-11, 05/04 (FAM-A)

Assessment is an on-going evaluation process for an NHEP individual, conducted by an NHEP Employment Counselor Specialist (ECS) to develop or update an employability plan and identify needed support services.


The purpose of the assessment process is to:

• determine the individuals ability to become employed;

• determine the individuals short and long-term employment goals;

• assess potential barriers to employment; and

• determine the appropriate NHEP activities and support services needed for an individual and their family to become self-sufficient.

Initial Assessment Procedures

At the initial assessment, use Form NHEP260, Client Self-Screening Tool, a client-based self-assessment tool which:

• allows the NHEP participant to identify the factors they believe are influencing their ability to get and keep employment;

• provides the ECS with an example of:

- information a client may provide to a prospective employer;

- the clients reading and writing ability; and

- the clients ability to follow instructions; and

• is used to discuss with the client the potential issues that affect the clients ability to:

- obtain and retain employment;

- assure the well-being of the children in the household;

- become economically self-sufficient, independent of TANF financial assistance; and

- access services to address identified issues.

The individual and the ECS will discuss and document the following information during the assessment process:

• employment history;

• employment and/or training preference;

• educational history, skills and abilities;

• potential barriers to immediate employment or employment preparation, including:

- need for child care assistance, transportation, or other support service;

- claims that the individual or a family member are or have been a victim of domestic violence;

- health problems that may affect NHEP participation;

- immediate issues or family circumstances, including serious problems involving children, that need to be resolved prior to participation; and

• any other factors that should be considered before enrollment in an NHEP activity.

Participant Requirements

Participants will attend all appointments arranged by the NHEP team member to complete the assessment process, including but not limited to:

• interviews and orientation;

• job search/job readiness workshops;

• vocational testing and interpretation;

• welfare to work eligibility determinations;

• employment counseling; and

• employability plan development.

Initial Assessment Requirements

The initial assessment interview must be conducted on an individual basis.

Determine if the individual is ready for job search or job readiness. Collect information on the individuals circumstances. Use the information to identify the individuals needs and to develop an Employability Plan (EP). The NHEP team member completes an EP for each NHEP participant.

All individuals are referred to either the job search or job readiness activities during the four week job search period with the exception of participants who:

• are determined by the NHEP team member to have serious and substantial personal barriers to employment;

• attend or are required to attend full time educational programs or alternative educational activities directed toward the attainment of a high school diploma or the equivalent;

• express a desire to attend full time educational programs, or alternative educational activities, directed toward the attainment of a high school diploma or the equivalent, and are referred by the NHEP team member; or

• are determined by the NHEP team member to meet the requirements for self-initiated education or vocational skills training.

Ongoing Assessment Procedures

As part of on-going assessment, the NHEP team must:

• monitor support service use by reviewing verifications and payment history;

• monitor activities to determine if the individual is making satisfactory progress;

• monitor the individuals compliance with activity requirements;

• monitor and determine if the individual is meeting participation requirements;

• evaluate the recipient for potential eligibility for Welfare to Work services; and

• assess the need for referral to other community services or NHEP activities. See Barrier Resolution for further information.

Satisfactory Progress

The team member must determine if an individual is making satisfactory progress in an activity. The organization or agency, educational or training facility, or employer or provider, set the minimum standards for an activity to measure the NHEP individuals:

• proficiency level in an activity; and

• ability to complete the activity in a timely manner.

Satisfactory progress in an activity means the individual is meeting the minimum standards.

Some measures of satisfactory progress may include:

• academic grades;

• progress/evaluation reports;

• attendance;

• keeping on schedule for the customary progression in the activity; and

• completing steps in an activity towards an award, degree, or certificate.

If the participant is not making satisfactory progress in an NHEP activity, determine the reason(s) for the lack of satisfactory progress and either:

• modify the activity requirements; or

• refer the individual to another activity.