808.25 Referrals to Other Activities SR 97-41, 11/97 (FAM-A)

For Individuals in the JSC

NHEP uses referral conditions to determine which activity or activities are most suitable for participants in the JSC. Referrals are based on the employment group assigned to the individual, whether the participant is a member of a 2 parent family, or engaged in the JSC and the following factors:

• Current marketable skills and demand for these skills in the local labor market;

• Work experience;

• Education;

• Work habits and behaviors;

• Aptitude and motivation;

• Job interests and preferences;

• Support service needs and availability;

• Effect on other activities in the employability plan, including any time limit requirements on a specific activity the individual may be referred to; and

• Coordination with other required activities mandated by a community or other agency.

Referral Based on Employment Program Group

• Participants in EPG 1 who are in job search and job readiness may also receive single course authorization or OJT activities as available.

• Participants in EPG 2 who lack satisfactory progress in job search or job readiness may be referred to an activity in addition to or instead of job search or job readiness when the NHEP team member determines alternative activities are the most feasible means of improving employability. However, whenever possible, combine employment or job readiness with another activity.

When an individual in EPG 2 lacks satisfactory progress while participating in job search or job readiness, the activity may be suspended if the individual meets the general conditions for suspension of job search and the specific conditions for placement in AWEP, OJT, training or education activities.

Lack of Satisfactory Progress by Individuals in EPG 2 Towards Obtaining Employment

For NHEP individuals in EPG 2 during the JSC, the job search/job readiness activity is required unless it is determined that the individual is no longer making satisfactory progress towards obtaining employment as outlined below.

For lack of satisfactory progress towards obtaining employment to exist, either:

• The individual does not have the skills and abilities to conduct an effective job search; or

• Due to local labor market conditions, the individual has not obtained employment.

Factors in determining satisfactory progress towards obtaining employment in a job search activity include, but are not limited to, the individuals ability to:

• Obtain employment interviews;

• Follow through with job referrals;

• Attend scheduled appointments or appointments which were scheduled by the NHEP representative;

• Prepare needed documents for job search activities, such as resumes, applications, etc.;

• Utilize employment support services, such as NH Works; NHES Job and Information Centers, New Hampshire Technical Community College Learning and Career Centers (LCC), public libraries, newspapers, etc.; and

• Receive job offers.

Referral to an activity in combination with job readiness or employment, or an activity instead of job search, can take place at any time after the initial 4 week job search period once it has been determined that satisfactory progress is not being made.

General Conditions for Making a Referral

When considering referrals to an NHEP activity, the following general conditions must be met:

• The activity must improve employability;

• When making a choice between two possible activities for referral, the activity which utilizes the fewest program resources and that leads to employment at a wage sufficient for the individual to be independent of financial assistance should be chosen;

• The participant has the aptitude and motivation to successfully complete the activity; and

• The participant must lack either the skills, experience, or work habits and behaviors needed to obtain employment at wages that will enable them to be independent of financial assistance.

Specific Conditions

When considering referrals to an activity, the following specific conditions must be met in addition to the general conditions listed previously. These conditions must be considered prior to referral of a participant to the activities listed below.

Referrals to an AWEP Activity

When considering a referral to an AWEP activity, one of the following conditions must be met:

• The participant lacks significant skills necessary for employment;

• The participant lacks significant work experience; or

• The participant needs to develop appropriate work habits and behaviors.

Referrals to an OJT Activity:

When considering a referral to an OJT activity, all of the following conditions must be met:

• The participant lacks specific skills that will be obtained through the OJT;

• The participant has no marketable work experience in the field of the OJT; and

• The participant has appropriate work habits and behaviors or can reasonably be expected to develop such behaviors.

Referrals to a Training or Education Activity

When considering a referral to a training or post secondary education activity, all of the following conditions must be met:

• The participant lacks the skills that will be obtained in the training or education;

• Job opportunities are currently available in the local labor market in the field of education or training; and

• The participant has appropriate work habits and behaviors or can be reasonably expected to develop these behaviors.

Section 808.39, NHEP Activities, also provides additional requirements for AWEP, OJT, training or education activity.

For Individuals in the Work For Benefits Component

Individuals participating in an approved work placement activity for at least 20 hours a week may participate in additional approved NHEP activities if the participant meets the above general and specific referral conditions and the activity is specified and supported by the EP. However, the work activity must come first.