808.27 Hourly Participation Requirements SR 14-12 Dated 03/14

To remain in compliance, mandatory and voluntary NHEP participants must participate in NHEP activities for at least the minimum number of hours described in the Minimum Weekly Participation column of the following table unless otherwise specified or unless they are exempt. See Exceptions below.

AG Type

Minimum Weekly Participation


Minimum Hours That Must Be a Core Activity1

Minimum Hours That Must Be a Core or Secondary Activity1

One-Parent Family

Youngest child under 6




One-Parent Family

Youngest child 6 or older




Requirements are used to meet reporting requirements.

Core, Secondary, and Interim Activities

For federal reporting requirements to be met, participants must be enrolled in:

• Core activities for a minimum of 20 hours per week;

• Secondary and Core activities for a minimum of the hours specified in the chart above; and

• Interim activities when appropriate*.

Meeting NHEP Participation Requirements

When appropriate, hours may be met through a single activity or a combination of activities. Community activities or activities mandated by another agency that promote self-sufficiency, employability, or the health of the family may count toward the participation hours as indicated on the EP.

The hours of participation should be based on what is necessary for the participant to achieve employment goals and self-sufficiency and not on the minimum hours set by federal law. Total participation hours including enrollment in additional activities beyond the minimum hours may not exceed 40 hours per week as specified on the EP. Every effort should be made to ensure that participants meet federal reporting standards.


• Participants in barrier resolution activities, who do not meet federal reporting requirements may not be required to meet the minimum number of hours needed to meet NHEP participation requirements, depending on the barrier.

• Parents who are under age 20 are required to participate in educational activities if they do not have a high school diploma or its equivalent.

• Participants whose youngest child is under 6 years old can only be required to participate in additional hours beyond the 20-hour minimum when the individual is enrolled in the activities of Employment, AWEP, or CWEP, does not have substantial barriers, and is meeting participation requirements.

Activities and How They Count Toward the Federal Required Hours of Participation

NHEP Activities that Meet Core Requirements for Single-Parent Families

*NHEP Activities that Meet Additional Required Hours for Single-Parent Families

Job Search

Job Search

Job Readiness

Job Readiness

On-the-Job Training

On-the-Job Training



Basic Education (only if teen parent 16-19)

Basic Education

Vocational Training (12 month lifetime limit)

Vocational Training (12 month lifetime limit)


Workplace Training



Post-Secondary Ed. (12 month lifetime limit)

Post-Secondary Ed. (12 month lifetime limit)

Family Intervention

Family Intervention

Homecare Works

Homecare Works



Job Club*

Job Club*

Barrier Resolution activities are not considered Core or Secondary activities because they cannot be used to meet federal reporting requirements.

References: He-W 637.03, RSA 167:85, 45 CFR 261.2, 45 CFR 261.30, 45 CFR 261.31, 42 USC 607