808.29 Documenting and Verifying Hourly Participation Rates SR 12-07 Dated 06/12

All core and secondary activities must be properly documented to count towards federal participation rates. Additionally, all NHEP activities (excluding barrier resolution *) must be documented to count towards the individuals NHEP participation requirements. Hours must be recorded by the 15th of the following month to count towards participation in the previous month. Barrier Resolution activities * activities are self reported* to verify NHEP compliance.

When recorded by the 15th of the following month:

• Unpaid activities that are monitored daily will continue to count towards participation when the NHEP participants supervising authority signs off on a verification form no less than once every two weeks; or

• Paid activities, including employment, OJT, and HomeCare Works, that are supervised daily will continue to count towards participation when verified by paycheck stubs every six months or when changes occur.

Hours that are not properly verified cannot count towards the participants work participation requirements, nor will they count towards federal reporting requirements.

For unpaid work activities, excused absences and holidays in which the participant was scheduled for activities may be counted as participation hours. Excused absences cannot exceed 80 hours in a rolling 12-month period and no more than 16 hours can be used in one month. Holiday hours are counted as holiday hours for unpaid work activities.

Example: A participant who is scheduled for activities Thanksgiving week may have 3 days of participation hours and 16 hours of holiday hours. Holiday hours will not count against the 80 hour limit for excused absences.