808.33 Conciliation Process SR 04-26, 10/04 (FAM-A)

Conciliation is the process for resolving disputes related to:

• an applicants or participants voluntary quit; or

• a participants refusal/failure to meet NHEP work requirements.

If the individual has not already claimed good cause (see Section 808.31, Compliance Requirements, for a description of good cause reasons), a conference meeting is arranged between the individual and the Division of Family Assistance Supervisor (or designee) to determine the reason for the voluntary quit or noncompliance and to work to resolve any problems or confusions prior to resorting to disqualification of the individual.

The conciliation process must be followed for:

• mandatory NHEP participants;

• voluntary NHEP participants who request to participate within the 3 month disqualification period following an act of noncompliance; and

• NHEP applicants or recipients who voluntarily quit or refuse to accept employment.

Exception: Do not begin the conciliation process for individuals previously exempt from participation in NHEP work activities due to pregnancy or whose youngest child is between 12 weeks and 2 years of age (or age 1 if conceived on assistance), who are now mandatory for NHEP work activities upon receiving 39 or more months of NHEP financial assistance. Use the Special Pre-Conciliation Procedures specified below.

Special Pre-Conciliation Procedures

For previously exempt individuals who are newly mandatory for NHEP activities due to receiving 39 or more months of NHEP financial assistance (see Exception above), use the following special pre-conciliation procedures when unable to engage and/or maintain the individuals compliance with NHEP participation requirements:

• Do not send the non-compliance letter, WP0012, if, within a reasonable timeframe, the best efforts put forth by NHEP team members, District Office staff, and/or NHEP Partner Agency staff to contact the individual, including sending additional letters and attempting to contact by phone, fail. Instead, staff must provide the following information in writing to the TANF Administrator at State Office:

- the recipients name;

- the recipients RID number; and

- a detailed summary of attempts to reach and work with the client.

• State Office staff will review the information provided and may contact the individual by telephone or mail. State Office will instruct the individual to call the DFA toll-free telephone number (1-800-852-3345, extension 4257) and leave a voice mail message indicating the best time for State Office to call back.

• Within 2 weeks of receipt of the case information specified above, the TANF Administrator will issue a written summary of all State Office activities and a recommendation whether or not to proceed with the formal conciliation process to the NHEP team, District Office Family Services Specialist, and the individual.