808.37 Participation Requirements for 2 Parent Families SR 06-12, 10/06 (FAM-A)

Two-parent families include those receiving UP financial assistance due to unemployment of the principal wage earner. An able-bodied adult in a TANF-incapacity case is not considered to be a two-parent participant and must meet the same requirements as single parents.

Minimum Participation Requirements

Two-parent participants have special participation requirements:


• The minimum participation requirement for two-parent families is either 35 hours a week (30 of which must be in a core activity), or, when the following conditions apply, 55 hours a week (50 in a core activity):

- neither adult is disabled or caring for a disabled child; and

- the family is receiving federally-funded child care assistance, such as that offered by DHHS.

• Parents may share the required hours of participation. Regardless of whether the participation is shared or the requirement is being met by only one of the parents, consider both parents to be participating in NHEP work programs so long as minimum requirements are being met.

• Two-parent families have no "temporary exemption" statuses (see FAM 808.05, Exemptions from Participation in NHEP), since the minimum participation requirement is a shared requirement and may be met through the participation of either or both parents.

• Parents must participate in one or more core activities for at least 30 of the minimum 35 hours or, if required to participate 55 hours, for a minimum of 50 hours.



Joe and Mary are a two-parent family and receive DHHS child care assistance. Joe participates in an WEP for 40 hours per week. Mary is employed for 15 hours per week. The combined hours for both parents is 55 hours per week and the family is meeting the NHEP two-parent participation requirements.


• If either parent is between the ages of 21 and 25 and does not possess a high school diploma or equivalency, he or she may choose to substitute educational activities for the work requirement. Educational activities that do not meet the minimum 30 or 50 hours above must be accompanied by additional mandatory work activities to meet the total 35 or 55-hour requirement.

• If either parent is between age 18 and age 19 and does not possess a high school diploma or equivalency, he or she must participate in educational activities when the couples youngest child reaches 12-weeks of age

• If either parent is under age 20 and does not possess a high school diploma or equivalency, he or she must participate in educational activities when the couples youngest child reaches 12-weeks of age. Total hourly participation requirements remain the same.
