Alternative Work Experience Program (AWEP) SR 99-47, 10/99 (FAM-A)

Alternative Work Experience Program (AWEP) is a time limited, supervised, unpaid work activity in the public or private sector that provides an individual with the opportunity to acquire general workplace behaviors, attitudes, skills and knowledge necessary to obtain and retain employment or to meet a WFBC requirement.

The priority placement for an AWEP position is as follows:

• Non-profit organizations;

• Community agencies or organizations offering a structured volunteer program;

• For-profit employers, only when the placement provides the type of experience that is beneficial to the individual or the placement is likely to result in paid employment.

Team members will develop AWEP work placements or an individual may pursue and arrange a position if specified on an approved employability plan.

Differences Between AWEP in the JSC and AWEP in the WFBC

In the JSC, the AWEP placement provides the participant with:

• Enhanced employability,

• Basic or upgraded work skills

• Familiarity with work place expectations and practices, including time management skills,

• Work experience and skills that support their EP; and, where possible,

• Work that complements their employment interests and preferences

In the WFBC, an AWEP placement of at least 20 hours per week is required if unsubsidized employment or an appropriate OJT is not available. Additional approved activities may also be required to meet the minimum federal participation rate of 30 hours per week.

Activity Requirements

An AWEP placement requires the following:

• Form NHEP232, AWEP Agreement, between the AWEP sponsor and the NHEP specifying the tasks to be performed by the participant, hours of the work placement and duration of the agreement, and

• An approved EP which includes the AWEP placement information.

Termination of an AWEP Placement

An AWEP placement can be terminated prior to the end of the agreement period if the employer or participant fails or neglects to comply with the requirements of the agreement. Every attempt should be made to resolve the problem. However, if this is not possible, follow the procedures described below:

• The NHEP team member notifies the sponsor in writing at least 7 calendar days prior to the termination stating the reason(s) for the termination;

• The sponsor or the participant has 7 calendar days notice period to remedy the violation or complaint prior to the agreement termination;

• When the NHEP team member terminates the agreement, the team member shall notify the sponsor.

Time Limits

• The duration of each new AWEP placement is not to exceed a period of 13 weeks.

• Each new agreement may be extended for an additional period of 13 weeks.

• The total duration of an AWEP placement cannot exceed a period of 26 weeks with the same sponsor.

Support Services

The following support services may be authorized for this activity for both applicants and recipients:

• Child care assistance; and

• Transportation assistance (payment to enrolled public/private carriers, mileage and auto repair reimbursement).

Participant Requirements

AWEP participants are responsible for:

• Honoring the provisions of Form NHEP 232, AWEP Agreement;

• Recording attendance;

• Submitting attendance information for review by the sponsor and NHEP representative upon request;

• Informing the team member or other NHEP representatives and the sponsor in the event of an injury while working in an AWEP work placement; and

• Attending a reassessment interview with an NHEP representative prior to the end of an AWEP work placement or placement extension.

Referral to Vocational Skills Training for AWEP Participants in the WFBC

An individual who is required to participate in an AWEP as the WFBC work placement may be referred to vocational skills training prior to or after the completion of the AWEP, but only when the vocational skills training is necessary in order to satisfy a bona fide offer of unsubsidized employment or OJT placement made by the AWEP sponsor.

Sponsor Requirements

The sponsor of an AWEP work placement is responsible for the following:

• Honoring the provisions of Form NHEP232, AWEP Agreement;

• Providing supervision to the participant;

• Submitting a completed Form NHEP233, AWEP Evaluation Report, at least quarterly; and

• Informing the team member or other NHEP representative if an NHEP participant is injured while working in an AWEP work placement.

Work Place Protections

Individuals in AWEP work placements have the same work place protections as all other employees. All individuals participating in AWEP activities or work placements will be given Form NHEP101, Your Rights in the Work Place. NHEP participants in AWEP work placements are entitled to the protections regarding sexual harassment and work conditions such as safe environment, non-discrimination and adequate rest and meal periods.

Limitation of Hours in AWEP Work Placement Based on Minimum Wage

Individuals participating in an AWEP work placement cannot be required to participate more hours than the number of hours equal to the amount of their full monthly assistance grant (including any amounts removed due to DFA applied sanctions), plus the total food stamp allotment received for the current month, minus any monthly child support payments retained by the Department, divided by the federal minimum wage.

If the resultant number of hours is more than the current minimum participation requirement of 30 hours, the number of hours over 30, rounded down, can be required of that individual (not to exceed 40 hours per week).

If the resultant number of hours is less than the current minimum participation requirement of 30 hours, require the individual to meet federal minimum participation requirements.

Other NHEP activity participation, such as ABE, single course, or job search, can be provided in addition to the AWEP activity.

Workers Compensation

Workers Compensation (WC) coverage is provided to all participants in AWEP who have completed Form NHEP232, AWEP Agreement. This coverage applies to injuries sustained while in an AWEP work placement only. Form NHEP102, Notice About Workers Compensation Coverage, is provided to participants before beginning their AWEP and describes the benefit and reporting requirements. Sponsors receive Forms NHEP103, AWEP Pamphlet, and NHEP104, The Alternative Work Experience Program: Most Frequently Asked Questions, which describe the benefits and requirements of AWEP sponsorship. When an incident occurs, the participant must contact an NHEP team member immediately. If the individual meets WC coverage criteria, the team member will provide direction in filing a claim.