Basic Education SR 06-12, 10/06 (FAM-A)

Basic education is any educational program that is considered secondary education and includes, but is not limited to, basic and alternative educational activities listed below:

• general educational development (GED) programs;

• remedial or adult basic education (ABE) programs;

• High school diploma programs;

• approved home education programs;

• alternative educational high schools;

• Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 out-of-school youth programs; and

• special programs for learning disabled individuals.

Basic education activities are core activities if the head of the household is a teen without a High School diploma, and for all other scenarios basic education activities are secondary activities.

Participant Requirements

The following individuals (both 1 and 2 parent families) are required to participate in basic or alternative education activities:

• custodial parents under age 20* without a high school diploma or its equivalent must participate full-time as defined by the institution, when their youngest child turns 12 weeks of age.

• dependent children age 16 through 19 who do not have a high school diploma or equivalent and who are mandatory NHEP participants are required to participate full-time as defined by the institution.

Age 20* and Over

For individuals who are age 20* or over, it is the individuals option to participate in basic educational activities. Individuals can choose basic educational activities as the sole activity in a full time program or attend part time while participating in other approved NHEP activities.

Exception: Parents in two parent families age 21 through age 25 without a high school diploma or equivalent may, but are not required to, participate in basic educational activities. However, they still must meet minimum participation requirements.

If an individual age 20* and over does not choose basic educational activities and team members determine that the basic education activity is the appropriate activity, that individual will not be required to participate in educational activities provided:

• the individual demonstrates a basic literacy level; or

• the long term employment goal, identified on the EP does not require a high school diploma or equivalent.

Individuals age 20* and olderparticipating in basic educational activities that are considered full time by the institution but are not meeting participation requirements dependent upon the age of the youngest child, additional NHEP activities will be required as specified on the EP.


Satisfactory Progress

The State has defined making satisfactory progress as the participant meeting a consistent standard of progress based upon a written policy developed by the training provider. Such standards include both a qualitative measure of a participants progress, such as a grade point average, and a quantitative measure, such as a reasonable time limit by which a student is expected to complete his or her studies. High School, GED and ABE (which will eventuate in a diploma or its equivalent) will be included in this activity.

Documentation and Verification

These activities shall be supervised no less frequently than daily. The countable hours shall be verified and documented bi-weekly on Form NHEP266, NHEP Education/Training Activities Verification Form or other verifications approved by NHEP to be signed by the education organization and returned to the worker. This form will specify that the education organization must verify that the participant is attending in accordance with the requirements of the education organization and/or the course of study and that they are making satisfactory progress.

Home Education

Home education programs are an acceptable substitution for secondary educational programs for an individual age 16 and older, when any of the following documentation verifying participation and progress in the program is provided:

• curriculum, or lesson plans;

• tests, grades, or progress reports;

• proof of payment for the approved home education curriculum or course of study; or

• any documentation that reasonably establishes the individuals on-going participation and progress in the home education program.

Parental participation in an approved home education program does not meet the parents NHEP work participation requirements and is not an allowable NHEP work activity.

Specific Activity Requirements

Alternative educational activities may be substituted for basic education for the following participants:

• dependent children age 16 and older if the high school refuses to accept the individual.

• caseheads age 16 or 17 if:

- the high school refuses to accept the individual;

- school attendance is not in the best interests of the individual;

- the parent requests an alternative to high school; or

- an educational activity is not available, however the training or work activity that is substituted can not be required.

Approved NHEP training or work activities may be substituted for basic or alternative education for caseheads age 18 through 19* if:

• the participant fails to make good progress in an educational activity; or

• an educational activity is inappropriate based on the assessment and employment goal.


Support Services

All of the following support services may be authorized for this activity:

• child care assistance;

• transportation assistance (payment to enrolled public/private carriers, mileage and auto repair reimbursement);

• tuition; and

• fees and supplies.

The following tables illustrate basic educational requirements based on the participants age and case membership status.


Required Participants By Age and Case Membership Status

Required Basic or Alternative Educational Activity

Training or Work Alternative Activity

Full Time Requirement Y/N

Age of Youngest Child

Single Parent Casehead 16-19*, or 2-Parent Participants Under 25


Alternative if:

·   school refuses

·   school attendance is not in the best interest of the individual, or

·   participant requests alternative educational activity


If alternative educational activity is not available, an individual may select a training/work activity, but cannot be required to participate.


20 hour limit on training/work activity only

Once child is 12 weeks old

Dependent Child 16-17 years old


Alternative if:

·   school refuses,

·   school attendance is not in the best interest of the individual, or

·   participant requests alternative educational activity


If alternative educational activity is not available, an individual may select a training/work activity, but cannot be required to participate.













20* and over


Will be determined on the participants EP as either a: :

·   Full time core activity that will not count towards federal reporting requirements; or

·   Part time secondary activity that will be combined with another NHEP core activity to meet federal participation requirements.




Two-Parent Participants Age 20* through 25

·   May be approved.




Two-Parent Participants Over Age 25

Activity may count for an additional 5 hours only after core requirements have been meet.