Community Work Experience (CWEP) SR 04-26, 10/04 (FAM-A)

Community Work Experience Program (CWEP) is a client-initiated arrangement with a community agency or non-profit organization, in which the client volunteers to work for the organization to provide a community service and gain job readiness skills.

NHEP participants pursue, develop, and arrange a CWEP position.

Activity Requirements

A CWEP placement requires:

• the NHEP recipient to obtain and arrange the CWEP placement at the community agency or non-profit organization;

• written documentation on the community agency or non-profit organizations letterhead, verifying:

- the NHEP recipients volunteer status at the community agency or non-profit organization;

- the type of work being performed; and

- the hours to be worked each month; and

• an approved EP which includes the CWEP placement information.

Support Services

NHEP recipients may be authorized for the following support services for this activity:

• child care assistance; and

• transportation assistance (payment to enrolled public/private carriers, mileage, and auto repair reimbursement).

Participant Requirements

CWEP participants are responsible for submitting attendance information from the community agency or non-profit organization on a monthly basis for review by the NHEP representative, to verify that the recipient worked the number of hours agreed upon.

Differences Between CWEP and AWEP

• In an AWEP activity, the NHEP Team Member may help develop the placement. In CWEP, the individual is responsible for finding the placement.

• AWEP is a time-limited activity (26 weeks maximum). CWEP is not time-limited.

• AWEP participants may be placed at for-profit organizations. CWEP participants are limited to non-profit organizations or community agencies.

• In an AWEP placement, certain specific paperwork must be completed. In a CWEP placement, the client and community agency are responsible for completing the paperwork and the activity conditions are specified in the Employment Plan.