Employment SR 07-15, 08/07 (FAM-A)

Employment is classified as a core activity when there is the receipt of unsubsidized wages for services performed by an individual in the public or private sector.*

General Activity Requirements

When an employed individual remains eligible for financial assistance:

• the NHEP team continues to work with the individual to provide case management and support services, with the goal of assisting the participant in reaching financial independence;

• NHEP services continue until the participant becomes independent from financial assistance;

• the team member must maintain monthly contact as specified on the Employment Plan (EP), and depending upon the number of hours the participant is employed per week, assess what services are most appropriate to support the individuals career and personal goals; and

• the individual must participate in approved NHEP activities and related support services as specified on the EP.

Apply sanctions for failure or refusal to follow through with or comply with general activity requirements.

Documentation and Verification

The number of countable hours of participation is determined by using a pay stub, or, if unavailable, other employer generated verification. The countable hours for employment is projected for up to 6 months. Participants must notify their worker of any changes in employment information within 10 days.


Time Limits

There are no set time limits on the employment activity. However, the team member *must evaluate the effectiveness of the work activity or activities in moving the individual towards financial independence while considering the time the individual has already participated in the activity and/or the remaining months on the individuals TANF lifetime limit clock.

Support Services

Employed individuals who remain eligible for financial assistance may be reimbursed for:

• transportation assistance, including mileage reimbursement to and from the child care provider and the employment site, and auto repairs;

• fees and supplies; and

• child care.

Monitoring and Evaluating an Employment Activity

Consider the following when monitoring and evaluating an employment activitys effectiveness in moving the individual towards financial independence:

• months on the TANF/UP 60-month lifetime limit clock;

• hours worked in the activity;

• net profits;

• length of time involved in the activity (hours per week, months in the year, years engaged in the activity without reaching financial independence);

• measurable progress over time toward the goal of transitioning off TANF/UP financial assistance; and

• other participant or family issues.

If it is determined that an individual is not making satisfactory progress in an employment activity:

• the hours are no longer countable towards meeting the participation requirement;

• the individual must participate in other approved NHEP activities to meet participation requirements; and

• the EP must be revised accordingly.

See Section 808.17, Service Determination Appointment and Ongoing Assessments, for more information about monitoring and evaluating satisfactory progress in an NHEP activity.
