Job Club/CWEP SR 07-25, 10/07 (FAM-A)

Job Club is a Community Work Experience Program (CWEP) activity sponsored by non-profit community organizations in which NHEP participants serve as mentors and assist other NHEP participants in job skills training. Job Club counts as a core activity for federal reporting requirements.

Job Club is a staffed location that helps place participants into CWEP placements. Additionally, a secondary workplace training activity is also available through Job Club locations.

Documentation and Verification Requirements

This activity is verified and documented * no less than once every two weeks on Form NHEP270, Work Experience Program (WEP) Verification Form, or via other verification approved by NHEP, and must be signed by the onsite supervisor and returned to the NHEP worker. There is no limit to the length of time an individual may participate in this activity.

Support Services

The following support services may be authorized for this activity:

• Child care assistance; and

• Transportation assistance (payment to enrolled public/private carriers, mileage, and auto repair reimbursement).