Job Readiness SR 07-25, 10/07 (FAM-A)

The Job Readiness activity assists participants in preparing to seek and/or obtain employment. The goal of the activity is to familiarize participants with general workplace expectations and assist them in becoming aware of any barriers that would prevent them from competing successfully in the job market.

Participants complete the Form NHEP225, NHEP Portfolio: Planning for Success, for the Service Determination Appointment (SDA). Activities in the NHEP Portfolio help the individual:

• arrange for child care and transportation;

• set long-term employment goals;

• identify needed support services to overcome barriers;

• assess experience, skills, education, work values, and learning preferences;

• explore community-based services;

• compile information needed to create resumes and cover letters; and

• seek employment.


Participation in this activity, combined with Job Search, is limited to 6 weeks, and only 4 of those weeks can be consecutively counted as a core activity in a federal fiscal year. Any consecutive weeks beyond 4 count as an interim activity.


Individuals are instructed in basic job-seeking and job-keeping skills that allow them to gain and retain employment.