Job Readiness SR 09-22, 07/09 (FAM-A)

The Job Readiness activity assists participants in preparing to seek and/or obtain employment. The goal of the activity is to familiarize participants with general workplace expectations and assist them in becoming aware of any barriers that would prevent them from competing successfully in the job market.

One of the participants tasks in the Job Readiness activity is to complete the Form NHEP225, NHEP Planning for Success: Job Readiness Portfolio, as assigned by the Employment Counselor Specialist (ECS), for the Service Determination Appointment (SDA). Activities in the NHEP Portfolio help the individual:


• assess skills, interests, abilities, needs, and learning styles;

• explore and set long-term and short-term career goals and action plans;

• plan their job search, identifying where to look for a job and what to say when networking;

• select and create the best resume for their skills and experience, write a cover letter, create a reference list, and approach an interview;

• balance work and family, manage time and stay organized, and remain motivated during the job search; and

• succeed on the job with tips to help become the employee that is promoted and offered raises.

Documentation and Verification

Job Readiness activities are supervised by the participants ECS and must be verified and documented no less than once a month. Form NHEP267, Job Readiness Activity Verification Form, can be used and must be submitted weekly. The ECSs signature on the verification indicates approval of the participants time spent in each activity.

Support Services

Job Readiness participants may be authorized for the following support services for this activity:

• NH Child Care Scholarship; and

• transportation assistance (payment to enrolled public/private carriers, mileage, and auto repair reimbursement).

Time Limits

To count toward federal participation requirements, hours participating in Job Readiness activities combined with Job Search activities cannot exceed the following in a rolling 12-month period:

• 120 hours for households whose youngest child is under 6 years of age; or

• 180 hours for all other households.

Participants can only participate in Job Readiness and Job Search activities for a maximum of 4 consecutive weeks to meet federal participation. Hours spent in a 5th consecutive week do not count towards federal participation.*


Individuals are instructed in basic job-seeking and job-keeping skills that allow them to gain and retain employment.