Job Readiness SR 99-08, 03/99 (FAM-A)

The job readiness activity prepares individuals for work by assuring that they are familiar with general workplace expectations and exhibit work behavior and attitudes necessary to compete successfully in the job market.

The job readiness activity may occur during the 26 weeks of JSC, and although it is coded as a separate activity, it counts toward the 26 week job search/job readiness requirement.


The expectation from the job readiness activity is that individuals will be instructed in basic job seeking and job keeping skills that will allow them to gain and retain employment. Job readiness training is made available to educate individuals who:

• Lack knowledge of workplace expectations;

• Do not exhibit appropriate work behaviors and attitudes necessary to compete successfully in the job market; and

• Are at risk for unemployment as evidenced by an unsuccessful employment history or no employment history.

Participant Referral Guidelines

The team member determines that the NHEP individual lacks one or more of the following:

• Understanding of employment expectations and demands of employers;

• Ability to get along with fellow employees and supervisors;

• An interest in finding and keeping employment;

• Ability to maintain a work schedule;

• The self-esteem, confidence or motivation to successful participate in the job search activity;

• Appropriate personal presentation for the workplace; and

• Responsibility for providing necessary documentation.

Activity Requirement

Individuals involved in job readiness activities will meet participation requirements as specified on the EP.

Time Limits

• The job readiness activity is limited to 26 weeks as the sole activity, which includes the initial 4 week job search period.

• Additional job readiness activities may be required in the WFBC only when accompanied by another NHEP activity specified on the EP.

Support Services

The following support services may be authorized for job readiness:

• Child care assistance; and

• Transportation assistance (payment to enrolled public/private carriers, mileage and auto repair reimbursement).