Job Search SR 04-26, 10/04 (FAM-A)

The purpose of the job search activity is to:

• assist participants in gaining the skills needed to secure suitable employment;

• engage participants in activities which assist and prepare them for employment; and

• quickly move the individual into unsubsidized employment.

Participation Requirements

Job search activities are the primary activities for *recipients in the JSC. Job search activities utilize both group and individual job search activities * and include activities such as:

• interviews with NHEP team members;

• orientation sessions and workshops;

• NHEP employment counseling sessions;

• where available in the community, participate in structured group Job Club classes to enhance job search skills;

• career exploration and career decision making;

• vocational short and long-term goal setting;

• vocational; interest; aptitude, and literacy testing;

• job search assistance;

• other appointments or referrals to other agencies designed to improve an individuals employability; and

• contacting employers for employment opportunities.

The NHEP team member will require individuals in the job search activity to look for unsubsidized employment as appropriate and specified on the Employment Plan.

Support Services

*Recipients may be authorized for the following support services for this activity:

• child care assistance; and

• transportation assistance (payment to enrolled public/private carriers, mileage and auto repair reimbursement).

Time Limits

• Job search activity is limited to twenty-six weeks as the sole activity, which includes the initial 4-week job search period.

• Additional job search activities may be required in the WFBC only when accompanied by another NHEP activity.

Follow up

• Job search is a supervised activity. At a minimum of once every 4 weeks, a contact must be made between the NHEP team member and the individual to evaluate the individuals progress in their job search efforts.

• All employer contacts, regardless of the method of contact used, must be documented on Form 223, Employer Contacts.