Job Search SR 12-07, 06/12 (FAM-A)

The purpose of the Job Search activity is to:

• assist participants in gaining the skills needed to secure suitable employment;

• engage participants in activities which assist and prepare them for employment; and

• quickly move participants into unsubsidized employment.

Participation Requirements

Job Search activities utilize both group and individual job search activities and encompass all reasonable job search initiatives, including activities such as:

• looking for suitable job openings;

• making contact with potential employers; and

• interviewing for jobs.

The Employment Counselor Specialist (ECS) requires individuals in the Job Search activity to look for unsubsidized employment as appropriate and when specified on the Employability Plan.

Documentation and Verification

Job Search activities are supervised by the participants ECS and must be verified and documented no less than once a month. Form NHEP223, Job Search Log, or other verifications approved by NHEP to document daily activities, can be used and must be submitted weekly. The ECSs signature on the verification indicates approval of the participants job search efforts and weekly participation hours.

Support Services

Job Search participants may be authorized for the following support services for this activity:



• Child care registration fees;

• Auto repairs;

• Transportation assistance;

• Education or training related fees;

• Books and supplies;

• Uniforms;

• Tools of the trade;

• Auto insurance;

• Auto registration;

• Drivers license fees;

• Dental work;

• Work office clothing;

• Personal care items; and

• Other employment training services approved at the State Office level.

Time Limits

To count toward federal participation requirements, hours participating in the Job Search activity combined with the Job Readiness and Family Intervention activity cannot exceed the following in a rolling 12-month period:

• *240 hours for households whose youngest child is under 6 years of age; or

• *360 hours for all other households.

Participants can only participate in Job Search, Family Intervention and Job Readiness activities for a maximum of 4 consecutive weeks to meet federal participation. Hours spent in a 5th consecutive week do not count towards federal participation.

Hours spent in Job Readiness, Job Search, or Family intervention can be added to the participants hours spent in another activity to meet minimum weekly participation hours.