LEAP Program SR 99-08, 03/99 (FAM-A)

LEAP (Lifeskills for Employment, Achievement and Purpose) is a 3 week, 25 hour per week Job Readiness activity for NHEP participants. It is designed to help participants overcome personal or family barriers to successful employment.


LEAP is offered through a contract with the University of New Hampshires Cooperative Extension Services. It is managed at each district office by a Family Life Skills Coordinator (FLSC). The FLSC acts as a liaison between the client and the NHEP team during LEAP participation.


Participation in LEAP may be required of mandatory NHEP participants if the ESC determines that they would benefit from this activity. Individuals may also volunteer for LEAP. LEAP participation advances the 26 week Job Search Component clock and, as an approved Job Readiness activity, counts toward the required 4 week job search period.


Referral Criteria


Clients who have employment or family-related issues are potential candidates for participation in the LEAP program. NHEP Employment Support Counselors (ESC) determine appropriate LEAP referrals. For many individuals, completing LEAP will be essential before any employer contacts or other job search activities are started. Participation in LEAP is indicated when clients:


• Lack the motivation to initiate job search due to low self esteem, lack a social support network, or have family barriers;

• Have difficult retaining employment;

• Are unable to effectively look for work due to concerns about how employment will affect the family;

• Need help with time, conflict or stress management;

• Lack money management or problem solving skills; or

• Cannot shop and prepare meals within their budget and available time.


Although this list is not meant to be all-inclusive, ESCs should use the guidelines above when considering the appropriateness of a referral to LEAP.


Participant Requirements


• LEAP is available only to recipients of NHEP or FAP financial assistance. Individuals in applicant status are not eligible for referral.

• Participants must attend a mandatory LEAP orientation to prepare them for the program, prior to starting the 3 week curriculum.

• Participants are not required to conduct job search during their participation in LEAP.

• LEAP may be repeated as an approved activity if the FLSC and the NHEP team determine that this would help the participant become better prepared for employment.

Mandatory participants who fail or refuse to comply with LEAP participation requirements without good cause are subject to the sanction process.


Support Services


Participants in LEAP may be reimbursed for :

• Transportation costs to and from the provider;

• Child care; and;

• Transportation and child care costs related to attending the orientation meeting.


Time Limits


LEAP is limited to 25 hours a week for 3 weeks plus LEAP orientation. If an ESC determines that an individual would benefit from repeating the program, it can be approved for an additional 3 weeks.