On The Job Training (OJT) SR 99-08, 03/99 (FAM-A)

In an on the job training (OJT) program, a participant is hired by a private or public employer as an employee with the same benefits as other employees. The employee receives support and training and knowledge or skills essential to the job to ensure the participant attain full and adequate performance of that job.

OJT placements may be made either through JTPA or NHES based on:

• Employer need,

• Agency resources, and

• Local labor market conditions.

OJT Requirements

An OJT placement requires the following:

• A written contract between the employer and the funding agency;

• Reimbursement to the employer of up to 50% for the wages paid to an NHEP participant during the length of an OJT contract; and

• An approved employability plan which includes placement information.

The contract must include provisions that the employer:

• Provide training and supervision to the participant as part of the contract;

• Indicate the intent to hire the participant for full time unsubsidized employment at the end of the contract; and

• Submit a written monthly progress report which substantiates how training and supervision have been provided and include the employers evaluation of the NHEP participants performance.

Participation Requirements

An OJT placement may require participation for more than 40 hours per week if customary and required by a specific occupation as indicated in the OJT contract and employability plan.

Termination of an OJT Placement.

An OJT placement can be terminated prior to the end of the contract period if the employer or participant fails to comply with the requirements of the contract. Every attempt should be made to resolve the problem. However, if this is not possible, the following applies:

• The NHEP team notifies the employer in writing at least 7 calendar days prior to the termination and states the reason (s) for the termination; and

• The employer or the participant has 7 calendar days notice period to remedy the violation or complaint prior to the contract termination.

Time Limits

The duration of an OJT contract must not exceed 26 weeks with the same employer.

Support Services

OJT participants who become ineligible for financial assistance due to increased earnings are still considered to be NHEP participants. Under OJT conditions, the following support services are available for the length of the contract:

• Child care assistance at step 1 reimbursement rates (see Part 937, Reimbursement Rates);

• Transportation assistance (payment to enrolled public/private carriers, mileage and auto repair reimbursement); and

• Fees and supplies.