Post Secondary Education SR 00-16, 03/00 (FAM-A)

Post secondary education is defined as a program of study beyond high school or its equivalent leading to an associates degree or higher.

Participant Referral Criteria

The NHEP team member must consider the following specific referral criteria in addition to the general referral criteria in Section 808.25, Referrals to Other Activities, in order to refer to the post secondary educational activity:

• the individuals immediate marketability of current skills, experience and education;

• the individuals ability to achieve self-sufficiency without a post secondary educational program;

• the individuals ability to successfully complete a post secondary educational program;

• the individuals ability to access support services needed to participate in a post secondary educational program, such as child care and transportation; and

• job opportunities are currently available in the local labor market in the field of the post secondary educational program.

Activity Requirement

The post secondary educational program must meet the following criteria:

• be consistent with employment goals as defined on the EP;

• have a reasonable expectation that the degree will result in the individual obtaining employment; and

• be vocationally specific in a recognized occupational area.

Work Placement Requirement

Whenever a team member approves a post secondary educational program, the activity must be an accompanied by a work placement.

The work placement requirement may be satisfied by any combination of the following activities:

• unsubsidized employment;

• internship, paid and unpaid;

• practicum;

• work study placement;


• apprenticeship; or

• other approved work placements as specified on the employability plan.

Participation Requirements for the Work Placement

The work placement must be arranged prior to the post secondary educational activity. These requirements apply to all NHEP participants in the post secondary educational activity, regardless of the age of the youngest child.

To determine the hours required for the work placement, allow the participant to choose either of the following methods:

1. Calculation based on academic credit:

- double the credit hours being taken;

- subtract the result from 40 hours (regardless of the age of the youngest child); and

- subtract any additional hours for participants other approved NHEP activities.

The result is the required number of hours of participation in a work placement or paid employment activity.

2. Calculation based on hours the student is required to be in a structured educational setting:

- double the weekly hours the NHEP participant is required to be in a structured educational setting, including classroom hours, in order to receive the related academic credit;

- subtract that number from 40 hours; and

- subtract any additional hours for other approved NHEP activities in which the individual is satisfactorily participating.

The result is the required number of hours of participation in a work placement or paid employment activity.


Once the determination has been made, specify the work placement or paid employment and post secondary activities on the EP. Evaluate participation hours no later than the end of each term/semester or whenever the participant reports a change in course schedule, such as when a person drops a class or the required hours of participation change.


If the work placement activity results in academic credit, count either the credits or the work hours, but not both.

Loss of Work Placement

If a participant loses the work placement while attending a post secondary program, the individual will be required to obtain another work placement.

Update the EP anytime it is needed to outline the steps to be taken for the individual to come into compliance or to reach participation.

• When an individual is searching for a work placement, do not complete Form 214 as in the job search activity.

• If participation in post secondary educational activities is not reasonable and consistent with the needs of the dependent children for continuing parental care and protection, evaluate the individuals participation in the post secondary activity and if necessary, modify participation requirements or refer to another activity.

Time Limits

Associates Degree: For a participant being referred to an initial post secondary educational program, the educational program shall not be approved above the level of associates degree and shall only be approved for a period of time as follows:

• no greater than 2 years of continuous full time study, as defined by the post secondary institution; or

• when attendance is less than full time, as defined by the institution, no greater than one and one half times the normal period of time for which is customary for completing the program, not to exceed 3 years.

Bachelors Degree: For a participant who has previously earned academic credits, a post secondary educational program shall not be approved above an associates degree level unless a bachelors degree can be obtained in a period of time as follows:

• no greater than 2 years of continuous full time study, as defined by the post secondary institution; or

• when attendance is less than full time, as defined by the institution, no greater than one and one half times the normal period of time for which is customary for completing the program, not to exceed 3 years.

Exception: The time limit specified above for Associates and Bachelors degree programs does not apply to individuals with a documented learning disability verified by a state certified educational professional or licensed psychologist. For extension of participation time, the documentation must specify the need and length of time required.

Support Services

The following support services may be authorized for this activity:

• child care assistance; and

• transportation assistance (payment to enrolled public/private carriers, mileage and auto repair reimbursement).

Previous Educational Degrees

When determining the need for additional post secondary educational programs for individuals with a previous certificate, diploma, degree, or previous post secondary educational credits, the NHEP team member shall consider the following:

• significant labor market changes effecting the occupation in which education or training has been previously received;

• the person no longer possesses the needed abilities to perform the job functions of the educational or training program received due to a documented disability;

• that the NHEP participants previous educational or training program may have been interrupted due to a major personal emergency, which caused the participant to drop out, and is now resolved.