Single Course SR 99-08, 03/99 (FAM-A)

The purpose of the single course activity is to allow individuals to update or upgrade skills to become immediately employable, without participating in a degree or certificate program. Single educational course activity is one or two classes offered by a recognized institution of education or training. For example, a single course might be authorized when an individual who has clerical experience needs a computer class to help find immediate employment.

NHEP Requirements

NHEP participants may be approved for participation in single educational courses, if the courses meet all the conditions specified below:

• Are supported by the employment goals as indicated on the EP;

• Improve the participants immediate employment prospects;

• Are vocationally specific; and

• Do not exceed one term of education or training as defined by the institution.

Participant Requirements

• Participant must complete an assessment interview and an EP; and

• Participant must have met the initial four weeks job search period requirements.

Support Services

The following support services may be authorized for this activity:

• Child care assistance;

• Transportation assistance (payment to enrolled public/private carriers, mileage and auto repair reimbursement);

• Tuition; and

• Fees and supplies.

Support Services Authorization and Limitations

Support services for education and training costs for participants referred to a single course activity are subject to the following limits:

• A maximum of two courses per state fiscal year is allowed as an NHEP activity, which may be taken separately or simultaneously;

• Payments for books, fees, tools of the trade and child care registration fees are limited to a total of $500 per state fiscal year per participant; and

Exception: Child care registration fees are limited to one registration fee payment per family, per provider, per state fiscal year.

• Tuition assistance is limited to a total of $1575 per state fiscal year per participant.

Exception: For NHEP participants already receiving JTPA training services, only NHJTC staff may authorize JTPA payment for single course activities and related support services. For all others, DHHS funding is used only when other sources of funds are not available.