Support Services for Obstacles to Employment SR 06-12, 10/06 (FAM-A)

Support services for obstacles to employment provide payments to or for NHEP or UP financial assistance recipients to remove employment-related barriers. Removal of these employment obstacles must be essential and necessary for the individual to participate or remain in an approved NHEP activity, including employment.

A total statewide dollar amount has been set aside for obstacles to employment for each state fiscal year. Once this funding is exhausted, the program may be canceled for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Obstacles to Employment

Payments, subject to funding, are available for the following services to remove obstacles to employment:

• auto insurance for only the usual and customary rates, not for higher rates due to accidents, violations, etc.;

• auto registration fees;

• drivers license fee for both operator and commercial licenses, or replacement fee;

• adult cosmetic dental care for services not covered under Medicaid;

• office clothing (non uniform attire) needed for job interviews or to begin employment;

• personal care including haircuts, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, and razors; and

• other services subject to Division of Family Assistance State Office approval. "Other services" may include basic drivers education courses but does not include alcohol education courses or any courses required due to violations, driving while intoxicated (DWI), etc. Approval for drivers education will only be considered if the individual has a car or immediate access to a car.

Payment for obstacles to employment services is requested using Form NHEP255, Employment and Training Support Services Payment Request Invoice or NHEP255(UP), Employment and Training Support Services Payment Request Invoice for UP recipients.

Required Prior Approval for "Other" Services

If the employment obstacle service is "Other," prior to approval of the service, the team member must write a justification memo demonstrating the need for the service to the Supervisor, Employment and Family Support Services (EFS) Unit, State Office. The memo must include:

• the individuals name;

• the type of obstacle;

• the cost of the service;

• other resources that have been explored;

• the team member requesting the approval of the service; and

• any other pertinent information.

Written notification of approval/disapproval will be sent to the team within two weeks of receipt of the request.

Participant Requirements

Payments for obstacles to employment services may only be authorized for NHEP or UP financial assistance recipients when the individual:

• has agreed with the NHEP ECS upon a vocational goal;

• participated in an assessment interview and developed an employability plan that has been approved by the NHEP representative; and

• been enrolled in an approved activity:

- complying for the hours identified on the employability plan or making a good faith effort to participate, if just beginning an approved activity; and

- demonstrating continued compliance with program and hourly requirements.

NHEP Requirements

Authorize payments for obstacles to employment services to resolve employment related barriers necessary for the individual to participate or remain in an approved NHEP activity, specified on the Employability Plan, that are essential to the participant obtaining or keeping employment, when the services are:

• documented as necessary by the participants employer or potential employer; or

• determined as necessary by the NHEP team after assessing the participants need to resolve any employment related barriers in direct relationship to his or her ability to participate or remain in an approved NHEP activity specified on the Employability Plan.

The NHEP team may authorize reimbursement for more than one type of employment obstacle service if resolution of those obstacles will lead to employment, enable the individual to keep employment, or to participate or remain in an approved NHEP activity specified on the Employability Plan.

Approval for payment to remove obstacles to employment must be done on the EP in advance of the actual service and documented in the case narrative.

The NHEP team is responsible for following up with the participant and verifying that the funds provided to the participant were used for the purpose intended and that the service(s) enabled the participant to maintain current employment or obtain immediate employment.

If the participant cannot provide verification that the funds were spent on an authorized service or services, advise that the participant provide a reimbursement check made payable to, "Treasurer, State of New Hampshire," for the amount due.

If the participant is unable or unwilling to provide reimbursement:

• request by memo that the Bureau of Data Management put a credit balance on the case for the amount of reimbursement owed; or

• if fraud is suspected, make a referral to the Office of Special Investigations.

Payment Limits for Obstacles to Employment

There are 2 separate payment limits for obstacles to employment:

• $1500 per state fiscal year per individual for adult cosmetic dental care. Receipt of adult cosmetic dental care does not affect payment for other services available to remove obstacles to employment; and

• $750 per state fiscal year per individual for all other employment obstacle services combined. An individual may receive payment for more than one service provided the total amount for all services other than adult cosmetic dental care does not exceed $750 in any SFY. If a $750 limit is noted for a particular service, the individual service may be authorized for the full $750, provided no additional services other than adult cosmetic dental care are authorized in the same state fiscal year.

All other potential sources of payment must be explored before any payment under this policy is authorized.

Specific Service Limits

Certain services to resolve employment obstacles have specific payment limits and conditions; others have no specific authorization limits and may be approved for any amount so long as the overall total of all services does not exceed the state fiscal year limits ($1500 for adult cosmetic dental care and $750 for all other services combined). The NHEP team may authorize any amount up to the maximum payment limit for a specific employment obstacle service. See Table 801, Services for Obstacles to Employment, which lists each service, conditions for payment and to whom the payment is made (recipient or provider).

If the employment-related obstacle request exceeds the state fiscal year limit, or maximum payment limit for the service, the NHEP participant must demonstrate the following, prior to NHEP authorization of the service:

• the remainder of the request will be secured;

• the payment authorized by NHEP will remove the employment related barrier; and

• a payment plan has been arranged for the remainder of the bill.

Verification Requirement

Auto insurance, auto registration, and drivers license fees may be billed prior to the service actually being provided. An estimate or statement of cost must accompany Form NHEP255 or Form NHEP255(UP). For all other employment obstacle services, an itemized bill must be attached to Form NHEP255 or Form NHEP255(UP). In instances where an estimate or statement of cost is used for billing, after the payment is made, individual must send in the following verifications to the NHEP Employment Specialist:

• auto insurance - a statement of coverage and charges from the insurance carrier;

• auto registration - a copy of the new registration; and

• drivers license. - a photocopy of the new drivers license.

Table 801: Services for Obstacles to Employment






Maximum Payment Limit Per SFY and Condition for Payments


Specific dollar amount limits are shown when required by policy. Payment amounts for all services other than adult cosmetic dental care must be totaled and applied to the $750 SFY limit. Adult cosmetic dental care is subject to a separate $1500 limit per SFY.





Payment Method

Personal Care

$25 per individual

Provider or Recipient

Office Clothing

$*200 per individual;

Must be non-uniform attire

Provider or Recipient

Drivers License Fee


$90 per individual;

Fee covers operator and commercial licenses; and

Fee does not cover courses due to violations such as DWI, etc.


Auto Insurance

Must cover insurance for a 12 month period;

Must not exceed usual and customary charges for that particular make, model and year of automobile;

Higher premiums due to accidents, traffic violations, etc. are not allowed; and

Automobile must meet auto registration requirements below.


Auto Registration

$*350 per individual;

Automobile must be registered to the participant, and/or spouse or other parent in a 2 parent household; and

For a child participant, the auto must be registered to the child or to a parent residing in the same household.



$1500 per individual;

All other possible funding sources, such as, but not limited to, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Medicaid, must be explored before authorizing this service; and

This service cannot to be authorized for regular prophylaxis, or for orthodontics.



Must be approved by State Office

Provider or recipient