808.41 Support Services SR 98-32, 08/98 (FAM-A)

NHEP financial assistance applicants, and recipients in approved activities, may receive services to support their activities. Support services are:

• Transportation assistance for direct payment to enrolled public/private carriers, mileage, and automobile repairs reimbursement;

• Child care; and

• Educational expenses (tuition, fees and supplies).


Transportation assistance, which includes direct payment to enrolled public/private carriers, mileage reimbursement, and automobile repair reimbursement, is available to individuals participating in approved NHEP activities when authorized on the EP.

The transportation assistance limits for travel are set at $65 per month, and with prior approval, $130 per month. These limits apply to services for public/private carriers and mileage reimbursement. Therefore, the NHEP team must take care when authorizing these services to insure that the monthly payment limits are not exceeded. Automobile repairs reimbursement has a separate payment limit. See Automobile Repairs Reimbursement below.

Payment to Enrolled Public/Private Carriers

A public/private carrier is an enrolled transportation services provider that transports the general public and charges for transportation on a multi-ride (i.e., a fixed number of rides, such as a 10 ride bus pass), weekly or monthly basis, depending upon the individuals needs and transportation arrangements with the carrier. Direct payment to enrolled public/private carriers is available on behalf of individuals participating in approved NHEP activities when authorized on the EP.

Participant Requirements

In order for the carrier to receive direct payment on behalf of an NHEP participant, the individual must:

• Have an approved EP;

• Have NHEP prior authorization for the service on Form NHEP256A, Public/Private Transportation Carrier Provider Invoice, and

• Submit Form NHEP256A to the provider for completion and forwarding to the Bureau of Data Management (BDM).

NHEP Team Requirements

The NHEP team must complete the following steps when authorizing provider payments to public/private carriers:

• Determine the individuals need for the service and indicate the service on the EP;

• Prior to authorizing provider payments to a public/private carrier, check the participants file for authorization(s) for mileage reimbursement or other public/private carrier services within the same month to insure that payment limits will not be exceeded;

• If payment limits will not be exceeded, authorize the service by completing and signing the NHEP section of Form NHEP256A; and

• Instruct the participant to take Form NHEP256A to the provider for completion and further processing.

Provider Requirements

The provider must:

• Be an enrolled provider with DHHS;

• Complete and sign the provider section of Form NHEP256A; and

• Forward completed Form NHEP256A to BDM.

Mileage Reimbursement

The provisions listed below apply to mileage reimbursement.

• Mileage reimbursement may be approved for NHEP applicants in the job search activity, and NHEP recipients in approved NHEP activities and for team visits.

Exception: Mileage reimbursement is not available for the first visit with the NHEP team.

• Mileage reimbursement is allowable for round-trip travel between the applicants or recipients home, child care provider and the activity site.

• Mileage reimbursement is not allowable for travel costs to and from unsupervised study sites, such as a library.

• Mileage reimbursement is paid at the following rates:

- The actual cost of travel, or $.25 per mile multiplied by the number of miles traveled, not to exceed a total of 260 miles per month or $65 per month, whichever is less, or

- The actual cost of travel, or an amount equal to $.25 per mile multiplied by the number of miles traveled, not to exceed 520 miles per month or $130 per month, whichever is lower, with prior approval by an NHEP team member.

• Mileage reimbursement may be approved at the higher amount ($130 per month) if the estimated travel costs incurred by the participant in NHEP activities exceeds $65 per month.

• Mileage reimbursement is allowable for employment, if a recipient continues to be eligible for NHEP financial assistance, from the start date of employment through the end of the following month.

Participant Requirements

In order to receive mileage reimbursement, individuals must:

• Have an approved EP;

• Have prior authorization if requesting mileage reimbursement up to $130 per month; and

• Bill for mileage reimbursement using Form 256, Transportation Reimbursement Invoice Request.

NHEP Team Requirements

• The NHEP team member must determine the individuals need for the service and indicate the service on the EP.

• Prior to authorizing mileage reimbursement, check the participants file for authorization(s) for provider payments to a public/private carrier within the same month to insure that payment limits will not be exceeded.

• To authorize mileage reimbursement at the $130/month maximum, the NHEP team member must:

- Indicate the need for increased mileage on the EP; and

- Complete Form NHEP31, Request to Adjust Transportation Indicator, and forward to the Bureau of Data Management (BDM).

Failure to submit Form NHEP31 to authorize the higher mileage reimbursement amount will result in payment of mileage at the $65 monthly limit.

• To authorize mileage reimbursement for participants who are employed and still receiving financial assistance, the team member must submit a memo to the Bureau of Data Management (BDM). The memo must include the following information:

- Casehead Name,

- Individual Number,

- Begin Date of Employment,

- End Date of Reimbursement (which is the last day of the month following the month the individual became employed).

The team member, school official or training site coordinator must authorize mileage reimbursement on Form 256 and forward to BDM.

Exception: No agency authorization is required for employed individuals.

Automobile Repairs Reimbursement:

The term "automobile" has the same meaning as the term "vehicle" as defined the Family Assistance Manual, Part 409. The following applies to automobile reimbursement:

• Only NHEP participants may be reimbursed for automobile repairs.

• Auto repair reimbursement is limited to $240 per individual for each state fiscal year (July 1 through June 30).

• An automobile repair does not include any charge for providing the individual with a verbal or written estimate of expenses.

• Auto repairs reimbursement is not payable for the following instances:

- If repair expenses have already been paid by another source; or

- If repair expenses have already been partially paid by another source and a balance remains.

• For a recipient to be reimbursed for auto repairs, the automobile must be:

- Necessary for participation in an approved NHEP activity or employment; and

- Registered to an NHEP participant or, if a two parent case, to the participants spouse.

• Auto repair reimbursement is allowable for recipients in an approved OJT placement for the duration of the training contract, even if the recipient becomes ineligible for financial assistance.

• Auto repair reimbursement is allowable for recipients who become employed, and continue to receive financial assistance, from the start date of employment, through the end of the next month.

Participant and Provider Requirements

To receive reimbursement for automobile repairs, an NHEP participant must:

• Have an approved EP;

• Have a valid operators and/or commercial license in effect at the time the participant requests automobile repair reimbursement;

• Obtain 1 written estimate of the cost of automobile repairs from a licensed inspection mechanic, which contains:

- Name, address and telephone number of the provider;

- An itemized list which describes the auto-body and/or mechanical repairs required to make the automobile functional and the parts, labor and costs associated with these repairs; and

- A signature of the licensed inspection mechanic and date of signature.

• Submit the written estimate described above to the NHEP team in order to obtain prior approval for reimbursement from the Department.

• The NHEP participant or provider must complete Form NHEP255, Employment and Training Support Services Payment Request Invoice, after approved repairs have been completed and submit the completed form to NHEP.

• The provider must be enrolled using Form 251, Provider Enrollment and Registration Form, and Alternate W-9 Form-CIS, if being paid directly.

NHEP Requirements

The NHEP team member must:

• Review the written estimate for completeness and ensure that it meets the requirements specified in the heading entitled "Participant and Provider Requirements," above in order to approve or deny the repair; and

• Approve automobile repair reimbursement in advance of the actual service(s) to be provided, except in an emergency in which the vehicle required towing and repairs needed to make it functional.

Fees and Supplies

NHEP participants engaged in approved activities may get help with related costs including:

• Mandatory texts or books required by the educational institution to complete a course;

• Supplies necessary to accomplish the required course objectives including paper, notebooks, and writing instruments;

• Mandatory fees required for attending school or training programs, including child care registration fees and school enrollment fees. Allowable fees also include any mandatory fees which are charged by the state or which are required to begin employment or to complete a training or educational program leading to a license or certificate;

• Tools of the trade necessary to perform the tasks of the job or to participate in an vocational training program, such as a watch with a second hand for an LPN trainee; and

Specialized clothing or uniforms required for participation in training, education, or employment. Specialized clothing includes such items as nursing uniforms, steel-toed shoes, and hard-hats.

Fees and supplies are authorized for NHEP participants in approved NHEP activities including:

• Employment from the start date of employment through the end of the next month following the start date;

• OJT through the duration of the OJT contract, even though the participant becomes ineligible for NHEP financial assistance due to increased earnings or hours of employment;

• Vocational skills training;

• Single courses (including single post-secondary courses);

• Basic education; or

• Basic literacy.


• Fees and supplies may be authorized only when there is no other source of funding available to the individual.

• Fees and supplies may not be authorized for NHEP participants who are approved as self initiated.

• Post Secondary Education: Only those recipients approved prior to 4/1/95 to participate in a Post Secondary Degree program and who had been approved for fees and supplies may receive these support services for up to two continuous years of full time study or up to three years for part time study or until their program is completed whichever comes first. These services would not continue to be authorized if there is a change in their program.

• OJT: NHEP participants engaged in an OJT continue to receive fees and supplies assistance.

Fees and Supplies Support Service Limit

The limit for fees and supplies is $500 per recipient per State Fiscal year in any 12 month period beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30.

Exception: Child care registration fees are limited to one registration fee payment per family, per provider, per state fiscal year.

Verification Requirement

The individual must provide signed and dated statements from the school or training site coordinator stating:

• Individual is enrolled;

• Class schedule; and

• Length of program.

Tuition Assistance

Tuition assistance is provided only when there are no other sources of tuition funding available to the individual. Tuition assistance is authorized for NHEP participants in the following approved NHEP activities:

• Vocational skills training;

• A course of study preparatory to employment;

• Single courses (including single post-secondary courses);

• Basic education; and

• Basic literacy.

Exception: Recipients approved prior to April 1, 1995 to participate in a Post Secondary Degree program and who had been approved for tuition assistance may receive this support service for up to two continuous years of full time study or up to three years for part time study or until their program is completed whichever comes first. These services would not continue to be authorized if there is a change from the original EP.


Tuition assistance must be authorized on the EP and be consistent with the specified employment goals.

Tuition assistance may be provided if the vocational training program or course of study preparatory to employment meets the following requirements:

• Prepares the individual for employment;

• Leads to a certificate in an area of specialization; and

• Is not self-initiated.

Tuition assistance may be provided for a single training course or course(s) of study provided the course(s):

• Is vocationally specific; and

• Improves the individuals immediate employability.

Tuition Assistance Payment Limits

The limit for tuition assistance is $1575 per recipient per State Fiscal year in any 12 month period beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30.

Tuition Assistance Time Limits

Single Course: Tuition assistance may be authorized for no more than 2 courses in each state fiscal year.

Basic Education: Tuition assistance may be authorized for no more than 2 years for GED/ABE classes that meet for a minimum of 25 hours per week.

Vocational Skills Training: Tuition may be authorized for no more than:

• Two years when attendance is full time, as defined by the institution; or

• Three years, or one and half times the period that is customary for completing the program, whichever is less, when attendance is part time.

Exception: The time limits given above do not apply to individuals with a documented learning disability as verified by a state certified educational professional or licensed psychologist. To extend participation time, the documentation must justify the need and specify the length of time required.

Verification Requirements

Individuals will provide signed and dated statements from the school or training site coordinator stating:

• Individual is enrolled;

• Class schedule; and

• Length of program.

Case Management

Case management is a systematic, individual-centered, goal-oriented approach to working with NHEP individuals. Case management is provided by NHEP team members to coordinate the multiple services available and necessary for participants to achieve self-sufficiency, reduce dependency on public assistance, and strengthen family life. Case management is considered a key support service of the NHEP. The major functions of case management are:

• Assessment of an individuals skills, aptitudes, strengths, and needs;

• Development of a detailed, realistic employability plan in partnership with individuals; arrangement and coordination of services to support the employability plan; and

Follow-up efforts to provide on-going assessment and support, and to evaluate outcomes.

After an individual has been referred to the NHEP team, case management begins and is a responsibility shared by all team members for the duration of an individuals participation in the NHEP.

Exception: Participants receiving services under the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) must have JTPA services managed by the NHJTC case manager. Other team members may continue to manage the case and coordinate additional services with the NHJTC manager.

Extended Case Management

Extended case management services are provided to individuals in order to reach or maintain the goal of long term self sufficiency. The purpose of extended case management is to provide additional NHEP services to former NHEP participants no longer receiving NHEP financial assistance due to an increase in earnings from employment. NHEP extended case management shall address one or more of the following issues:

• Job keeping and work maturity skills,

• Problem solving skills,

• Long term career goal counseling, planning and attainment.


• Ninety days of extended case management is available to cases that close from NHEP financial assistance due to an increase in earned income, and

• Participation in extended case management is voluntary.

Support Services for Obstacles to Employment

Support services for obstacles to employment provide payments to or for NHEP financial assistance recipients to remove employment-related barriers. Removal of these employment obstacles must be essential and directly related to the participant obtaining or keeping immediate employment.

A total statewide dollar amount has been set aside for obstacles to employment for each state fiscal year. Once this funding is exhausted, the program may be canceled for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Obstacles to Employment

Payments, subject to funding, are available for the following services to remove obstacles to employment:

• Auto insurance for only the usual and customary rates, not for higher rates due to accidents, violations, etc.;

• Auto registration fees;

• Drivers license fee for both operator and commercial licenses, or replacement fee;

• Adult cosmetic dental care for services not covered under Medicaid;

• Office clothing (non uniform attire) needed for job interviews or to begin employment;

• Personal care including haircuts, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, and razors; and

• Other services subject to Division of Family Assistance State Office approval.

- Other services may include basic drivers education courses but does not include alcohol education courses or any courses required due to violations, driving while intoxicated (DWI), etc. Approval for drivers education will only be considered if the individual has a car or immediate access to a car.

Payment for obstacles to employment services is requested using Form NHEP255, Employment and Training Support Services Payment Request Invoice.

Required Prior Approval for "Other" Services

If the employment obstacle service is "Other," prior to approval of the service, the team member must write a justification memo demonstrating the need for the service to the Supervisor, Employment and Family Support Services (EFS) Unit, State Office. The memo must include:

• The individuals name;

• The type of obstacle;

• The cost of the service;

• Other resources that have been explored;

• The team member requesting the approval of the service; and

• Any other pertinent information.

Written notification of approval/disapproval will be sent to the team within two weeks of receipt of the request.

Participant Requirements

Payments for obstacles to employment services may only be authorized for NHEP financial assistance recipients who are in an approved NHEP activity directly related to the participant obtaining or keeping immediate employment.


NHEP Requirements

Authorize payments for obstacles to employment services to resolve employment related barriers essential and directly related to the participant obtaining or keeping employment when the services are:

• Documented as necessary by the participants employer or potential employer; or

• Determined as necessary by the NHEP team after assessing the participants need to resolve any employment related barriers in direct relationship to immediate employment opportunities in the local labor market or for maintaining current employment.

The NHEP team may authorize reimbursement for more than one type of employment obstacle service if resolution of those obstacles will lead to immediate employment or enable the individual to keep employment.

Approval for payment to remove obstacles to employment must be done in advance of the actual service. Approval is indicated on the EP (Forms NHEP228 or NHEP228P) under Support Services and documented in the case narrative.

The NHEP team is responsible for following up with the participant and verifying that the funds provided to the participant were used for the purpose intended and that the service(s) enabled the participant to maintain current employment or obtain immediate employment.

If the participant cannot provide verification that the funds were spent on an authorized service or services, advise that the participant provide a reimbursement check made payable to, "Treasurer, State of New Hampshire," for the amount due.

If the participant is unable or unwilling to provide reimbursement:

• Request by memo that the Bureau of Data Management put a credit balance on the case for the amount of reimbursement owed; or

If fraud is suspected, make a referral to the Office of Special Investigations.

Payment Limits for Obstacles to Employment

The total payment for all services is capped at $750 per individual for each state fiscal year. An individual may receive payment for more than one service provided the total amount for services does not exceed $750 in any SFY. If a $750 limit is noted for a particular service, the individual service may be authorized for the full $750, provided no additional services are authorized in the same state fiscal year. All other potential sources of payment must be explored before any payment under this policy is authorized.

Specific Service Limits

Certain services to resolve employment obstacles have specific payment limits and conditions; others have no specific authorization limits and may be approved for any amount so long as the overall total of all services does not exceed the yearly $750 limit. The NHEP team may authorize any amount up to the maximum payment limit for a specific employment obstacle service. See Table 801, Services for Obstacles to Employment, which lists each service, conditions for payment and to whom the payment is made (recipient or provider).

If the employment related obstacle request exceeds the $750 annual limit, or maximum payment limit for the service, the NHEP participant must demonstrate the following, prior to NHEP authorization of the service:

• The remainder of the request will be secured;

• The payment authorized by NHEP will remove the employment related barrier; and

• A payment plan has been arranged for the remainder of the bill.

Verification Requirement

Auto insurance, auto registration, and drivers license fees may be billed prior to the service actually being provided. An estimate or statement of cost must accompany Form NHEP255. For all other employment obstacle services, an itemized bill must be attached to Form NHEP255. In instances where an estimate or statement of cost is used for billing, after the payment is made, individual must send in the following verifications to the NHEP Employment Specialist:

• Auto insurance - a statement of coverage and charges from the insurance carrier;

• Auto registration - a copy of the new registration; and

• Drivers license. - a photocopy of the new drivers license.


Table 801: Services for Obstacles to Employment







Maximum Payment Limit Per SFY and Condition for Payments

Specific dollar amount limits are shown when required by policy. Payment amounts for all services must be totaled and applied to the $750 SFY limit.





Payment Method

Personal Care

$25 per individual

Provider or recipient

Office Clothing

$125 per individual

Must be non-uniform attire


Drivers License Fee


$90 per individual;

Fee covers operator and commercial licenses; and

Fee does not cover courses due to violations such as DWI, etc.


Auto Insurance

Must cover insurance for a 12 month period;

Must not exceed usual and customary charges for that particular make, model and year of automobile;

Higher premiums due to accidents, traffic violations, etc. are not allowed; and

Automobile must meet auto registration requirements below.


Auto Registration

$450 per individual;

Automobile must be registered to the participant, and/or spouse or other parent in a 2 parent household, and

For a child participant, the auto must be registered to the child or to a parent residing in the same household.



All other possible funding sources, such as, but not limited to, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Medicaid, must be explored before authorizing this service; and

This service cannot to be authorized for regular prophylaxis, or orthodontics.



Must be approved by State Office

Provider or recipient