Transportation Assistance SR 04-26, 10/04 (FAM-A)

Transportation assistance, which includes direct payment to enrolled public/private carriers, mileage reimbursement, and automobile repair reimbursement, is available to individuals participating in approved NHEP activities when authorized on the Employment Plan (EP).

The transportation assistance limit for travel is $130 per month. This limit applies to services for public/private carriers and mileage reimbursement. Therefore, the NHEP team must take care when authorizing these services to insure that the monthly payment limit is not exceeded. Automobile repairs reimbursement has a separate payment limit. See Automobile Repairs Reimbursement below.

Payment to Enrolled Public/Private Carriers

A public/private carrier is an enrolled transportation services provider that transports the general public and charges for transportation on a multi-ride (i.e., a fixed number of rides, such as a 10 ride bus pass), weekly or monthly basis, depending upon the individuals needs and transportation arrangements with the carrier. Direct payment to enrolled public/private carriers is available on behalf of individuals participating in approved NHEP activities when authorized on the EP.

Participant Requirements

In order for the carrier to receive direct payment on behalf of an NHEP participant, the individual must:

• have an approved EP;

• have NHEP prior authorization for the service on Form NHEP256A, Public/Private Transportation Carrier Provider Invoice; and

• submit Form NHEP256A to the provider for completion and forwarding to the Bureau of Data Management (BDM).

NHEP Team Requirements

The NHEP team must complete the following steps when authorizing provider payments to public/private carriers:

• determine the individuals need for the service and indicate the service on the EP;

• prior to authorizing provider payments to a public/private carrier, check the participants file for authorization(s) for mileage reimbursement or other public/private carrier services within the same month to insure that payment limits will not be exceeded;

• if payment limits will not be exceeded, authorize the service by completing and signing the NHEP section of Form NHEP256A; and

• instruct the participant to take Form NHEP256A to the provider for completion and further processing.

Provider Requirements

The provider must:

• be an enrolled provider with DHHS;

• complete and sign the provider section of Form NHEP256A; and

• forward completed Form NHEP256A to BDM.

Mileage Reimbursement

The provisions listed below apply to mileage reimbursement.

• Mileage reimbursement may be approved for NHEP * recipients in approved NHEP activities and for team visits.

Exception: Mileage reimbursement is not available for the first visit with the NHEP team.

• Mileage reimbursement is allowable for round-trip travel between the * recipients home, child care provider, and the activity site.

• Mileage reimbursement is not allowable for travel costs to and from unsupervised study sites, such as a library.

• Mileage reimbursement is available for the actual cost of travel, or an amount equal to $0.25 per mile multiplied by the number of miles traveled, not to exceed 520 miles per month or $130 per month, whichever is lower.

• Mileage reimbursement is allowable for employment, if a recipient continues to be eligible for NHEP financial assistance, from the start date of employment through the following 3 calendar months.

Automobile Repairs Reimbursement:

The term "automobile" has the same meaning as the term "vehicle" as defined the Family Assistance Manual, Part 409. The following applies to automobile reimbursement:

• Only NHEP participants may be reimbursed for automobile repairs.

• Auto repair reimbursement is limited to $500 per individual for each state fiscal year (July 1 through June 30).

• An automobile repair does not include any charge for providing the individual with a verbal or written estimate of expenses.

• Auto repairs reimbursement is not payable for:

- repair expenses that have already been paid by another source; or

- repair expenses that have already been partially paid by another source and a balance remains.

• For a recipient to be reimbursed for auto repairs, the automobile must be:

- necessary for participation in an approved NHEP activity or employment; and

- registered to an NHEP participant or, if a two parent case, to the participants spouse, or to a dependent child in the case or, if a dependent child, to a parent in the case (see below).

• Auto repair reimbursement is allowable for recipients in an approved OJT placement for the duration of the training contract, even if the recipient becomes ineligible for financial assistance.

• Auto repair reimbursement is allowable for recipients who become employed, and continue to receive financial assistance, from the start date of employment, through the following 3 calendar months.

Participant and Provider Requirements

To receive reimbursement for automobile repairs, an NHEP participant must:

• have an approved EP;

• have a registered vehicle and a valid operators and/or commercial license in effect at the time the participant requests automobile repair reimbursement or reside with a parent/dependent child who has a registered vehicle, and/or valid license, and specifies in writing that they are willing to consistently transport the participant to approved NHEP activities;

• obtain 1 written estimate of the cost of automobile repairs from an individual who operates an automobile repair business, which contains:

- the name, address, and telephone number of the provider;

- an itemized list which describes the auto-body and/or mechanical repairs required to make the automobile functional and the parts, labor and costs associated with these repairs;

- a statement indicating that in the providers professional judgment, the automobile repair is reasonable based on the roadworthiness and reliability of the vehicle; and

- the signature of the provider and date of signature;

• submit the written estimate described above to the NHEP team in order to obtain prior approval for reimbursement from the Department; and

• complete or have the provider complete Form NHEP255, Employment and Training Support Services Payment Request Invoice, after approved repairs have been completed, and submit the completed form to NHEP.

The provider must be enrolled with DHHS if being paid directly.

NHEP Requirements

The NHEP team member must:

• review the written estimate for completeness and ensure that it meets the requirements specified in the heading entitled "Participant and Provider Requirements" above in order to approve or deny the repair; and

• approve automobile repair reimbursement in advance of the actual service(s) to be provided, except in an emergency in which the vehicle required towing and repairs were needed to make it functional.