Tuition Assistance SR 99-47, 10/99 (FAM-A)

Tuition assistance is provided only when there are no other sources of tuition funding available to the individual. Tuition assistance is authorized for NHEP participants in the following approved NHEP activities:

• Vocational skills training;

• A course of study preparatory to employment;

• Single courses (including single post-secondary courses);

• Basic education; and

• Basic literacy.

Exception: Recipients approved prior to April 1, 1995 to participate in a Post Secondary Degree program and who had been approved for tuition assistance may receive this support service for up to two continuous years of full time study or up to three years for part time study or until their program is completed whichever comes first. These services would not continue to be authorized if there is a change from the original EP.


Tuition assistance must be authorized on the EP and be consistent with the specified employment goals.

Tuition assistance may be provided if the vocational training program or course of study preparatory to employment meets the following requirements:

• Prepares the individual for employment;

• Leads to a certificate in an area of specialization; and

• Is not self-initiated.

Tuition assistance may be provided for a single training course or course(s) of study provided the course(s):

• Is vocationally specific; and

• Improves the individuals immediate employability.

Tuition Assistance Payment Limits

The limit for tuition assistance is $1575 per recipient per State Fiscal year in any 12 month period beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30.

Tuition Assistance Time Limits

Single Course: Tuition assistance may be authorized for no more than 2 courses in each state fiscal year.

Basic Education: Tuition assistance may be authorized for no more than 2 years for GED/ABE classes that meet for a minimum of 30 hours per week.

Vocational Skills Training: Tuition may be authorized for no more than:

• Two years when attendance is full time, as defined by the institution; or

• Three years, or one and half times the period that is customary for completing the program, whichever is less, when attendance is part time.

Exception: The time limits given above do not apply to individuals with a documented learning disability as verified by a state certified educational professional or licensed psychologist. To extend participation time, the documentation must justify the need and specify the length of time required.

Verification Requirements

Individuals will provide signed and dated statements from the school or training site coordinator stating:

• Individual is enrolled;

• Class schedule; and

• Length of program.