901.01 Filing an Application SR 97-25, 10/97 (FAM-A) |
To file an application for child care services, the individual must comply with all of the following:
• Return completed Form 800 to the District Office, NHEP team, or contract agency;
• Provide required verification of eligibility criteria;
• Participate in a face-to-face eligibility interview;
• Provide a completed Form 253, Child Care Provider Verification Form; and
• Provide a completed Form 251, Provider Enrollment and Registration Form, for each license-exempt noncontract provider that is not currently enrolled and registered.
Exception: TANF financial assistance recipients who lose their grant due to increased earnings are not required to file a new application, as long as they meet all of the following criteria:
• Their income does not exceed the maximum limit; and
• They were receiving, or had applied for, child care services at the time they became ineligible for TANF financial assistance.
• Provide Form AW-9, Alternate W-9 Form CIS, for each noncontract provider who is not currently enrolled for payment.
Staff must provide Form 249, Helpful Hints for Child Care Assistance, to each child care applicant.