903.01 NH Child Care Scholarship Wait List SR 17-12, Dated 07/17 (FAM-A)


A wait list for Child Care Scholarship will be activated by DHHS when the number of recipient children exceeds the available funds.

All children who do not meet the exempt criteria are placed on the wait list if determined eligible to receive Child Care Scholarship. The Department will not pay for child care while a child is on the wait list.

Families who are eligible for Child Care Scholarship but who are placed on the wait list must have their continued eligibility for Child Care Scholarship reviewed at each certification period, but not less than every 12 months even though they are not receiving the Child Care Scholarship.

Children are added to the wait list according to the date of the signed application for Child Care Scholarship. Children are further prioritized on the wait list according to the following:

• Priority 1 Group: Children in families with monthly gross income that is equal or less than 100% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG). See PART 935, NH CHILD CARE SCHOLARSHIP GROSS MONTHLY INCOME LIMITS. Siblings of children who are members of a currently eligible family with an approved child care provider and are actively receiving Child Care Scholarship.

• Priority 2 Group: All other children determined eligible for Child Care Scholarship.

If more than 1 family is added to the wait list on the same day, place children on the wait list according to the:

• application date;

• time that eligibility was run; and

• age and Recipient ID (RID) number (in the case of twins or other multiple births).

Releasing Eligible Children from the Child Care Scholarship Wait List

When funds become available, release eligible children from the wait list according to the application date and then alternating between:

• two children in Priority 1 Group; and

• one child from Priority 2 Group.

Families will receive a Notice of Decision (NOD) indicating the effective date on which Child Care Scholarship funds will be available for one or more children released from the wait list. No payment will be made before the date that Child Care Scholarship funds became available.

Families must arrange for child care with an enrolled child care provider within 30 calendar days from the effective date on the NOD and return the completed DCYF Form 1863, Child Care Provider Verification, to DHHS.

If the provider is not already enrolled, supply a child care provider enrollment packet. Enrollment forms may also be obtained from the DHHS website on the CDB Forms Library http://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dcyf/cdb/forms.htm. It is recommended that the child care packet is submitted to the Child Development Bureau within 5 calendar days from the effective date on the NOD to ensure that the provider is enrolled and linked within 30 calendar days.

Exceptions: A child may not be subject to the wait list if good cause is determined for the family’s failure to become linked to an enrolled provider within 30 calendar days or to complete the recertification. An additional 30 calendar days from the original closing date will be granted for the family to become linked to an enrolled provider. If the family fails to be linked by the additional 30th day, child care will be denied and the parent must reapply and will be placed on the wait list according to the new application date.

Reasons for good cause are:

• The family is unable to find child care with the assistance of the Child Care Resource & Referral Agency within 30 calendar days from the effective date on the NOD. (See Section 903.07Required Verification to Grant a Good Cause Extension; or

• The parent or child has had an in-patient hospital stay during the 30 calendar day period. (See Section 903.07Required Verification to Grant a Good Cause Extension).

Note: If the Department made an error regarding the child care link, correct the error, and if no DCYF Form 1863 was received, grant a one-time 30-day extension from the date the error is corrected.

The FSS must verify a valid exception and request approval from a supervisor. The supervisor will review the case and determine if the case meets good cause criteria, and if so, email the Child Development Bureau to release the child from the wait list. CDB will email the supervisor to reopen and confirm the case. The FSS will be responsible for establishing the link when a DCYF Form 1863, Child Care Provider Verification is returned for an enrolled provider.

Removing Ineligible Children from the NH Child Care Scholarship Wait List

New HEIGHTS automatically removes children from the wait list if families are determined ineligible or fail to comply with the redetermination policy. If ineligible children are removed from the wait list, families must reapply for NH Child Care Scholarship and again be determined eligible for child care. If a family is determined eligible, New HEIGHTS automatically adds the child to the wait list according to the new date of application as described above.


References: He-C 6910.11(c)-(m), RSA 167:83,I(b), 45 CFR 98.20