903 NH Child Care Scholarship Program Application Processing Timeframe SR 17-12 Dated 07/17  (FAM-A)


The official application date is the date a signed application is received by the District Office.


If the applicant does not provide all required documentation at the time of application, supply the applicant with a list of the verification documents still required to determine eligibility. Inform applicants that they have 10 calendar days to provide all required verification. For Expedited Child Care, inform applicants that they have 30 calendar days from the child care link start date to provide all required verification.


Generate a Notice of Decision to the individual as soon as an eligibility determination is made, but no later than 30 days after the official application date.


For Expedited Child Care, a parent must identify a child care provider that is currently enrolled with the DHHS Child Care Scholarship program at the time of application. Allow the child care provider to be linked at application and within 30 calendar days without a Form 1863, Child Care Provider Verification. A completed Form 1863 must be returned within 30 calendar days. If a family is currently experiencing homelessness or has experienced homelessness within the past 92 calendar days, require a self-declaration stating that the family is currently experiencing homelessness or was experiencing homelessness within the past 92 calendar days. The individual must also self-declare that they are currently participating in an employment, training or education, or job search activity.


Families must arrange for child care with an enrolled provider within 30 calendar days from the official application date and return the completed DCYF Form 1863, Child Care Provider Verification, to DHHS. A one-time additional 30 calendar day extension will be granted per application, as good cause, in the following circumstances:

The family has been unable to find child care with the assistance of the Child Care Resource & Referral agency. (See Section 903.07, Required Verification to Grant a Good Cause Extension); or

The parent or child has had an in-patient hospital stay during the 30 calendar day period. (See Section 903.07, Required Verification to Grant a Good Cause Extension.)


Note: If the Department made an error regarding the child care link, correct the error, and open child care.


If the provider is not already enrolled, supply a child care provider enrollment packet. Enrollment forms may also be obtained from the DHHS website on the DCYF Child Development Bureau Forms Library at http://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dcyf/cdb/forms.htm. It is recommended that the child care packet is submitted to the Child Development Bureau within 5 calendar days from the official application date to ensure that the provider is enrolled and linked within 30 calendar days.


References: He-C 6910.10(b),(c),(d), and (e)(8), He-C 6910.11(m), RSA 167:79,V(b), RSA 167:82,VI, RSA 167:83,II, and II(c)(e)(m), RSA 167:83,I(b), 45 CFR 98.20