904 NH Child Care Scholarship Authorized Level of Service SR 17-12 Dated 07/17 (FAM-A)


The familys authorized level of service is determined by the number of hours per week in which the parent is participating in an approved activity(ies) (see PART 915, NH CHILD CARE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM CRITERIA), plus commute time and the child’s need for care. The authorized levels of service are:

Part-Time: 0-15 hours per week;

Half-Time: 16-30 hours per week; or

Full-Time: 31 or more hours per week.


New HEIGHTS will calculate the authorized level of service for each parent based on the approved activity(ies) plus commute time. The FSS must verify the activity(ies). If the child's need for care is less than the calculated level of service, the FSS must set the authorized level of service at the lower level.


Parents are allowed one hour of commute time per each unique day they are participating in an approved activity.


To determine commute time the FSS must ask the parent for the unique number of days per week that they are actively participating in an approved activity(ies). Use the highest number of days needed for a regularly flexible/fluctuating schedule. Do not change the number of days when the parent works an occasional extra day or days.


For self-employment, the authorized level of service is determined by calculating the monthly net income divided by 4.33, divided by the federal minimum wage to determine the number of approved activity hours per week plus one hour of commute time per days worked per week. For the first two years of continuous self-employment, the parent may self-report the number of hours they are working in their self-employment activity. They may change self-employment activities during the two years, but once the two consecutive years have been reached, the manual calculation must be used to determine the approved service level. If a parent is in a self-employment activity and changes activity and then returns to self-employment, the two continuous years begin again.

Example: Parent is working 4 days per week with a monthly net income of $400. $400/4.33 = $92.38/$7.25 = 12.7 weekly hours plus one hour commute per day. Always round the weekly hours up. 13 + 4 =17 hours per week. Authorize half-time level of service. When a parent has $0 income or a monthly net loss of income, the number of hours is 0. Therefore a service level cannot be determined and there is no child care eligibility for self-employment.


At initial eligibility, when a parent’s only activity is job search, the parent may self-declare the number of hours and days the parent is actively looking for employment.


When a parent has multiple approved activities, the authorized level of service is based on the combination of all approved hours for the activities, including commute, study time, and sleep time.


The authorized service level calculated at initial eligibility determination will remain unchanged during any 12 month eligibility period unless the parent reports a change in employment related activities that increases the authorized service level. Parent(s) may request a decrease in service level at any time.


When a parent is considered employed or in a training or educational activity, but is not actively participating  (see Sections 921.01 and 925.03) in the approved activity, the authorized service level will remain the same as the authorized service level prior to the start of the leave, break, or reduction in hours, unless a parent requests a decrease.


In a job search period following the permanent loss of a job or end of a training or educational program, the authorized service level will remain the same as the authorized service level prior to the start of the job search.


New HEIGHTS will not allow a service level above half-time for school-age children. When a parent is participating full-time, and the child is school-age, New HEIGHTS will automatically set the child to a half-time level of service. If the school-age child requires part-time or full-time care, a manual override is required to correct the level of service. During school vacations, including summer, the system automatically switches the level of service to full-time for all school-age children, and then returns it to the previous level at the end of the vacation period.


In two-parent families, the authorized level of service is based on the parent whose approved activity schedule requires the least amount of hours for child care services.

Example: In a 2-parent family, parent 1 works 32 hours per week over 4 days plus 4 hours commute time to equal a need for 36 hours of care (full-time). Parent 2 works 10 hours per week over 3 days plus 3 hours commute time to equal a need for 13 hours of care (part-time). New HEIGHTS will set an authorized level of service at part-time (0-15 hours per week) for this family.

When parents have joint custody, the service level is determined by the days that the eligible parent is caring for the child and meets continued eligibility requirements.

A new or changed authorized level of service becomes effective the following Monday from the date the action was updated in New HEIGHTS.


References: He-C 6910.07(k)-(n), He-C 6910.12(a), RSA 167:83,II(c) and (o), RSA 161:2,XII; RSA 167:83,II, 45 CFR 98.2