A New HEIGHTS-generated letter (AE0024) is sent to both the parent and child care provider and includes the following information, as applicable:

• The eligible child's name and recipient identification (RID) number;

• The child's effective begin and end dates;

• The family cost-share based on the percent of the family’s monthly gross income and household size, per He-C 6910.18;

• The child's authorized level of service; and

• Child care has not been paid for an eligible child in the past 45 days.

A New HEIGHTS-generated notice (AE0032, Job Search Limit Letter) is sent to the parent and child care provider when an eligible adult in the household is entered into a job search activity, notifying them of the 40-day limit for job search reimbursement (see PART 923, ACTIVELY SEEKING EMPLOYMENT). No further notification is sent to the parent or provider when the 40-day limit has been reached.

A New HEIGHTS-generated letter (AE0106) is sent to the parent when a child has been released from the wait list

A New HEIGHTS-generated letter (AE0123, Important: Training Activity Limitations) is sent to the parent when 84 weeks of child care have been paid towards the 2-year (104 week) lifetime limit for training for any parent(s) in the case. This letter will only be generated once in a lifetime.

References: He-W 6910.11(a), (b), (c)(1)c., (c)(1)h., and (c)8 - (c)10, RSA 167:83,II(b); RSA 167:83,III(h), 45 CFR 98.3