907 NOTICES OF DECISION (NOD) SR 04-25, 05/04 (FAM-A)

Include all of the following information on the Notice of Decision (NOD):

• the eligibility decision;

• the reason for the decision, if a denial, decrease, or termination of eligibility;

• the eligibility period;

• the maximum income limit for the family size;

• the total gross monthly income amount;

• the income computation used to determine financial eligibility; and

• each eligible family members name and individual number, if the family is eligible.

For non-TANF recipients, New HEIGHTS sends a letter (AE0032, Job Search Limit Letter) to the parent and child care provider when an eligible adult in the household is entered into a job search activity, notifying them of the 40-day limit for job search reimbursement (see PART 923, ACTIVELY SEEKING EMPLOYMENT).