909.01 Changes in NH Child Care Scholarship Due to Birthdays SR 17-12 Dated 07/17 (FAM-A)


The NH Child Care Scholarship Weekly Standard Rate is based on the childs age in months, provider type, and the authorized level of service, and is paid on a weekly basis.


Children cannot be found initially eligible for Child Care Scholarship at age 13. Child Care Scholarship terminates for children turning 13 years old *at the end of their 12 month eligibility period.


A child under the age of 72 months, regardless of the familys Step level, cannot receive Child Care Scholarship if the child attends a License-Exempt Child Care Center.


Exception: A child may continue to be eligible for Child Care Scholarship up to age 18 if the child is experiencing a significant special need  whose condition limits the child’s ability to care  for him  or herself or would cause harm to him or  herself or others without supervision. See Section 941.01, Required Verification for a Child Experiencing Significant Special Needs.


References: He-C 6910.07(b)(3) and (c), RSA 167:83,II(c) and (o), RSA 170-E:2,xi-a167:83,II(o), 45 CFR 98.20