909 Changes in NH Child Care Scholarship SR 17-12 Dated 07/17 (FAM-A)


The individual must report the following changes within 10 calendar days of the date the change occurs:*

household income increases to an amount exceeding 85% of State Median Income (SMI);

a permanent loss or start of employment;

a parent begins or ends a training or educational program;

any member of the assistance group has assets including personal or real property, or the combined assets of the assistance group, are equal to or greater than a cumulative value of one million dollars; or

change of child care provider.


If at any time the family income meets or exceeds 85% of SMI and the increase is not temporary (3 months or more), Child Care Scholarship eligibility will terminate.


The parent must attest that the family resources do not exceed $1,000,000.


If at any time during Graduated Phase Out (GPO), Tier 2, a family reports income that decreases below 220% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG), the family eligibility level returns to Tier 1 and the cost share must be re-evaluated.


Reported changes for other DHHS programs will not cause a change to the cost share or service level for Child Care Scholarship unless the change would benefit the family.


If a parent reports a change that is advantageous to the parent, cost share and service level are adjusted. Increase the service level if the parent’s activity level increases during the 12 month eligibility period; otherwise, do not decrease the service level, unless the parent requests it to be decreased.


If the reported change results in a decrease in benefits or termination of eligibility, make the action effective 10 calendar days from the date of the Notice of Decision (NOD), known as the 10-day advance notice period (ANP).



No 10-day ANP is provided for a change in a family’s cost share amount, even when the cost share increases causing a decrease in the benefit. A letter will be generated notifying the parent and provider of the change.


References: He-C 6910.14(a) - (e), RSA 167:83, II(o), 45 CFR PART 98.20