NH Child Care Scholarship eligibility is determined for a *12-month period of time, regardless of eligibility for other programs of assistance. This is called the certification period. Individuals are required to complete a timely redetermination, and be found eligible for the NH Child Care Scholarship Program, to continue beyond the current certification period. If the individual fails to complete a timely redetermination by the end of the certification period, NH Child Care Scholarship automatically terminates and the child care provider link ends, without additional notice.


To complete a timely redetermination, it is the individuals responsibility to comply with the following by the last date of the certification period:

complete and return a review form (DFA Form 800R, Application for Continued Eligibility for Financial, Medical, Child Care and Food Stamp Benefits), or complete an online Redetermination Application via NH EASY, or participate in a personal interview; and

provide all required verification.


A new  Form 1863, Child Care Provider Verification, is not required at the redetermination if there is no change in the child care provider information.


If at redetermination it is determined that the family does not meet the initial eligibility threshold, Tier 1, due to an increase in income greater than 220% but less than or equal to 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG), the parent will receive a 12-month Graduated Phase Out (GPO) eligibility period, Tier 2. A parent can remain in GPO as long as the income is greater than 220% but less than or equal to 250% of FPG.


If at redetermination the family’s income exceeds 250% of FPG, NH Child Care Scholarship eligibility will terminate and child care will close..


If the individual provides the redetermination application (DFA Form 800R) within the certification period, but fails to provide all the required verification, allow the individual 10 calendar days from the date the FSS takes action on the application to provide the required verification. If all verification is provided within 10 calendar days, re-open child care without a gap in eligibility. If all verification is not provided within 10 calendar days, the individual must reapply, and will be subject to a wait list, if one is in effect.