919 Age Categories for NH Child Care Scholarship SR 17-12 Dated 07/17 (FAM-A)


Each child for whom the individual requests Child Care Scholarship must be under age 13.


There are 4 age categories for Child Care Scholarship:

Infants: birth to 17 months;

Toddlers: 18 months to 35 months;

Pre-School and Kindergarten: 36 months to 78 months (6 ½ years); and

School age: 79 months to 155 months.


Exceptions: When an eligible child turns 13 years of age during the 12 month eligibility period, the child remains eligible for Child Care Scholarship until the redetermination, at which time Child Care Scholarship eligibility ends.


Children age 13 or over but under age 18 are eligible if the child is experiencing a significant special need (physical, mental, educational, emotional, or developmental) whose condition limits the child’s ability to care for him or herself or he or she would cause harm to him or herself or others without supervision.


See PART 941 for additional information regarding differential payment for a child experiencing a significant special need.


The payment rate automatically changes the Monday following the child's change in age category.


References: He-C 6910.07(d), He-C 6910.18(i), RSA 167:83,II(c) and (o), RSA 161:2,XII, RSA 167:83,II, 45 CFR 98.20