921.01 Leave of Absence SR 17-12 Dated 07/17  (FAM-A)


*Eligibility will continue without reporting or verification requirements as long as the parent(s) is considered employed by the employer even when the parent is:

on a medical leave due to their own health or caring for the other parent of the common child living in the household or another child living in the household;

experiencing a seasonal break in employment according to regular industry work seasons; or

experiencing any other reduction in work or is absent from scheduled work hours as long as the parent is still working.


For example, a parent is employed but was in a car accident and will be out of work on a five month medical leave. The employer considers the parent employed but on a medical leave from the job. The parent continues to be eligible for Child Care Scholarship while remaining employed. The child care provider may bill for Child Care Scholarship payment even though the parent is not actively participating in the employment activity.


The level of service authorized for the individual *at the initial eligibility determination will remain the same for the 12 month eligibility period, unless the parent(s) requests a decrease, even though the parent is not actually participating in their employment activity.

The family cost share may change but will not increase above the amount calculated at the 12 month initial eligibility determination.


Cost share and service level are re-evaluated at each redetermination, where they can increase, decrease or remain the same.

The child(ren) must continue to attend child care even though the parent is not actively participating in the employment activity for Child Care Scholarship payment to be made.

References: He-C 6910.07(e)(1), He-C 6910.10(n)(1)-(4), He-C 6910.16(b)(c), RSA 161:2,XII; RSA 167:58,IV, RSA 167:83,I(b), RSA 167:83,II(c) and (o), RSA 167:83,II, 45 CFR 98.20