921.01 Leave of Absence SR 14-16, 04/14 (FAM-A)

Continue to consider an individual employed during a verified medical leave** for whichever time is less:

·      the duration of the medical leave; or

·      a total of 6 weeks in a calendar year.The employer must indicate that the individual will be assured of a job with the same employer immediately following the end of the medical leave.

The level of service authorized for the individual prior to the start of his/her medical leave must be the authorized level of service for the duration of the verified medical leave.

An individual may also use medical leave to care for the other parent of the common child living in the household or another child living in the household.

The child(ren) must continue to attend child care during the leave of absence for payment to be made, even though the parent is not actually working.

Close child care if the individual has used 6 weeks of medical leave in a calendar year and does not return to employment,

References: He-C 6910.03(x), He-C 6910.06(f)(2), He-C 6910.12(h), He-C 6910.15(a) and (c), RSA 161:2,XII; RSA 167:58,IV, RSA 167:83,I(b), RSA 167:83,II(c) and (o), RSA 167:83,II, 45 CFR 98.20