923.02 Continued Eligibility for Job Search during the 12 Month Eligibility Period SR 17-12 Dated 07/17 (FAM-A)


During the 12 month eligibility period allow a 92 day job search for each parent when the following occurs:

Permanent loss of employment;

Cessation of training or educational program; or

NHEP is in sanction or closes.


Job search verification is not required for continued eligibility for the job search activity. However, verification for job search is required at initial eligibility and at redetermination. The level of service authorized for the activity prior to the continued eligibility for the 92 day job search will remain the same during the continued eligibility for the 92 day job search period, unless the parent(s) requests a decrease.


If the 92 calendar day continued eligibility period for job search extends beyond the 12 month redetermination date, the parent must complete the redetermination process and a new 12 month eligibility period will be determined.


On or before the 92nd day of Job Search, if the parent reports and verifies an employment or training or educational activity, the cost share is re-evaluated (and may change but cannot exceed that of the most recent 12 month eligibility determination) and 12 month eligibility will continue.