Allow payment to unemployed parents eligible for child care services needed to actively seek employment or to unemployed parents without permanent housing to actively seek employment and housing on the same day.

Parents are considered to be actively seeking employment when they are:

• registered with the NH Works Job Match System; or

• receiving unemployment benefits.

Payments to families* must not exceed:

• 40 days of child care services in any six-month period; and

• a service level of half-time, including commute time. See PART 904, NH CHILD CARE SCHOLARSHIP AUTHORIZED LEVEL OF SERVICE.


Note: When the maximum units of job search have been reached, the case remains open and the child remains eligible, but payment will not be made until the parent begins participating in another approved activity or accrues additional job search days.

References: He-C 6910.06(d)(2)(e), RSA 167:83,II(c) and (o), 45 CFR 98.20


llow payment to unemployed parents for child care services needed to actively seek employment or to actively seek employment and housing.

• Payments to individuals who do not receive TANF financial assistance must not exceed 40 days of child care services in any six-month period

• Allow NHEP financial assistance * recipients not more than 2 weeks of child care services for the period immediately preceding the date of entry into an NHEP activity, when necessary to prepare for the NHEP activity.