925.05 Required Verification at Redetermination for Medical Leave or Semester Breaks from Training/Education and Basic Education SR 17-12 Dated 07/17 (FAM-A)


*If at redetermination a parent is experiencing a medical leave from training or education due to their own health or is caring for the other parent of a common child living in the household or another child living in the household, the following verification is required:

proof of registration for the following semester; or

a signed and dated statement from the institution where the parent attends the training or educational program stating that the parent is still enrolled.


If at redetermination a parent is experiencing a semester break, the following verification is required:

proof of registration for the following semester; or

a signed and dated statement from the institution where the parent attends the training or educational program stating that the parent is still enrolled.


If the parent fails to provide the required verification above, child care eligibility will end.

Resume payments for the unused portion of the original two years (104 weeks) in a lifetime limit when the individual:

Reapplies for Child Care Scholarship;

Meets the Child Care Scholarship eligibility criteria; and

Returns to the same training or educational program following the unscheduled or long-term break, including a summer break.


References: He-C 6910.09(o)-(2), RSA 167:83,II(o), 45 CFR 98.20