925.05 Breaks SR 14-34, 11/14 (FAM-A)

When an individual in a training or education program takes a scheduled, short-term break, continue *eligibility for NH Child Care Scholarship when all of the following apply:

• The child would otherwise lose their slot with the provider; and

• *The total number of days of the break or breaks does not exceed 30 days in any 12-month period.

For NH Child Care Scholarship payments to be made, the child(ren) must continue to attend child care during the scheduled, short-term break, even though the parent is not actively participating in their training activity. Children are not required to attend child care during the break, however, child care payments will not be made when the child is not in attendance.

Terminate eligibility for child care services when an individual in a training or education program takes an unscheduled or long-term break, including a summer break, and is not participating in another approved activity.*

Resume payments for the unused portion of the original two-years (104 weeks) *in a lifetime limit when the individual:

• Reapplies for child care services;

• Meets the child care services eligibility criteria; and

• Returns to the same training or education program following the unscheduled or long-term break, including a summer break.

References: He-C 6910.15(d)-(f), RSA 167:83,II(o), 45 CFR 98.20